
I was watching U Tube a couple of nights ago. The segment was about one woman (I’ll call her Joy) recalling her near death experience. Joy said that during a period of review of her life, she was shown a nursing colleague of hers (Carolyn) whom no one liked. While Joy said she had never been unkind to Carolyn or spoken badly of her as some of the other nurses had, regardless, she had still harboured negative thoughts about this woman. In her review, Joy was shown that these negative thoughts had impacted on Carolyn, almost as much as the spoken words from the other colleagues had. Thoughts are powerful.

Joy was then shown Carolyn’s past and what she had been through to arrive at the place she was now in. And told that yes, maybe she was not the best nurse, or doing the best job, but all these negative thoughts and words from others were impacting on her and keeping her in an unpleasant place.

I talked about the power of thought in Who Is Me? When I started healing people, I would see the destructive layers that things like jealousy, left on another person. People would come to me, telling me that they felt shut down and unable to function. I would go in and look energetically and see layers of a seaweed-like substance engulfing this person. Almost instantly, on removal, these people would be back to their normal selves. I later identified that substance as another person’s jealousy directed to that person.

When I was younger, I used to think that thoughts were our private things that stayed in our heads, but through my healing work I discovered completely the opposite. Worry was another thing that impacted negatively on the recipient. I also talked about this in my book and the experiences with my mother. She couldn’t help herself and would worry about everything. When I asked her not to, she replied that she did so in the nicest possible way. However, energetically, I could see that there was no such thing as a nice way. Worry creates a black net-like substance around the person being worried about. When I discovered mine, I was horrified. It was extremely difficult to remove but once I did so, I felt better than I had felt in years. I realised early on for my own kids’ protection that I wouldn’t share things about them that might cause my mother to worry. I didn’t want my own children being shut down as I had been.

I see lots of other things when healing people too. Often downright negativity directed at a person, or sometimes their own, creates a black cloud around that person. When surrounded by this, people often feel quite negative. Sometimes I am shown a black umbrella while working on people. I have learnt that this is symbolic for negative thoughts being directed at that person. When I explain the meaning of what I have seen, these people I am working on always confirm that yes, a particular person has been causing them grief.

Another thing I used to think when I was younger, was that if I was annoyed and didn’t say anything, people wouldn’t know I was feeling like that. We emit our thoughts, what is inside us. Yes, there are some people that would be completely unaware of what is going on in another’s mind, but there are many people out there like me, who feel other’s negativity, even though that person may be outwardly laughing, or holding something in as I used to do.

So, this is a lesson for us all to remember. It is not just keeping our spoken word impeccable, as Don Miguel identified in his book The Four Agreements, but keeping our thoughts impeccable as well. After all, we don’t know how these may be impacting on another’s journey.  


Turn back the clock

