
I had an interesting dream the other night, one that excited me. For whatever reason, I don’t remember many of my dreams and generally have little recall of what has occurred throughout my night. Occasionally, I have spiritual dreams and others where I appear to be learning something.

When I was a child, I would have the same dream whenever I got sick. Sometimes I would have this dream before I even knew I was sick. It was difficult to describe, but something like lots of lines going past and a humming noise. I have recognized that humming later in life when I have been out of my body or at least leaving my body. Often when this would occur, I would become frightened and wake myself up, at other times I would go with it. It was from one of these experiences that I named my first book, Who Is Me? In this particular episode, I had the realisation my consciousness was with me in this out-of-body state and not with my body that was lying on my bed. Thus, I asked myself the question. Who is the me part of me? It was certainly not my body, because here I was thinking and reasoning just as I did ordinarily but I was now not in my body. I expect it is this consciousness that continues when we die. In fact, more than that, I am certain it is this consciousness that continues when we die and not only that, but through all eternity. We are a spiritual being in a physical body, one that will live on forever, inhabiting many other physical bodies throughout our soul’s evolvement.

Anyway, back to the dream of two nights ago. This one appeared real, like I was actually there, and was similar to one I had years ago when I was working on one of my Atlantis lives, when I was falsely blamed for an accident that caused part of the pyramid to collapse. In that dream, I could have sworn I was there. From my end, it appeared to be night time. It was dark but there were people working around me, making me wonder if they were in daylight, while I was in the darkness, because obviously I was not actually physically with them, but in an energetic state. This dream of the other night was similar in that it was darkness again, and I really felt I was there. A Maori was showing me a healing technique, where I had to feel and become the colours I was using, rather than just channelling as I do in my healing work. We seemed to be using the colour violet. I had never thought of using a colour in this way before, to actually feel it and become it when I was working with someone. He talked about upcoming teachings and this was the part that excited me, to be learning this new technique.

Like the Atlantis dream, I could have sworn I was there. In that experience, I had gone back in time and possibly I had in this one too. It is the darkness that makes these two dreams different from other ones. When I say darkness, it is like being outside on a moonlit night. One can see, but it is obviously night time. Whether I get any future teachings in my dream state, remains to be seen, but I will try and practise what I was shown that night. I could imagine the effectiveness of healings would go up several notches if I was able to master this. I have always channelled the healing, love and colours through me when healing someone else. I expect this aspect wouldn’t change but somehow, I would become the colour I was channelling or perhaps become one colour while I channelled other colours. I am not sure yet, but it is certainly worth a try. The dream was real enough for me to take notice.




School energy