The final frontier

Or so it feels like. Some years ago, I attended a day-long healing workshop. The facilitator was using his own method, that he’d put together after taking the best bits from different healing modalities he had studied. His theory was that all pain and disease originated from unexpressed emotions. He asked us all to think of a recurring condition and work out how much that condition had cost us over the years. That was an eye-opener in itself. We then had to identify how this condition made us feel and then rate the intensity of those feelings on a one to ten. From there we spoke out loud, I feel… whatever that emotion was. We had two more steps to the process before we were asked to rate the feelings once again. It seemed to work as all of us had dropped from eight and nines out of 10 to one or two. When I returned home, I used that method on several clients. What I discovered though, was that while it gave instant relief, it did not address the route cause. The conditions we had addressed that day were still showing up with the same frequency they had before.

It was probably 12 years ago that I attended that workshop. And yes, I have had many more bouts of my infections, both urinary and pelvic. I have tried many, many different healing methods to heal these over the years, to no avail.

At four am, once again awake, I thought I would try once more. I typed in meditation to heal emotional pain trapped in the body, with several meditations appearing on my feed. I chose one and followed the spoken word.

Several days earlier, I had had an image of a time as a child, when I had violent diarrhea. The pain was intolerable and was as intense as the pain of a fully dilated cervix during childbirth. Of course, I didn’t know that then, all I knew was the pain was severe and frequent, every time I had to go to the toilet.

This image was appearing for me now and I realised it must be significant in dealing with the cause of these infections. The next image was of childbirth. I had all of my children without pain relief, so the pain did reach extreme proportions with each of them. Suddenly I was aware of one of my past lives, the lady who was tortured with a hot poker placed up her ‘’pee hole’’ before being burnt to death on a pyre.

I could definitely see the connection and why I was experiencing these examples of extreme pain in my current life. I needed to have these in order to forgive those who had inflicted that pain on me in my past.

I was given information on every single one of my former lives when the veil was lifted from me two years ago, all except this life. The Collective Us p 163. I couldn’t get any images to show me why she was killed in this way, and because I was unable to see anything of her life, other than her final moments, I wasn’t able to acknowledge her or give her any credit other than to hug her for all the pain she suffered in her final moments. And on page 193 One by one, the people I once was stepped forward, and I embraced each of them, telling them how much I loved them. The most significant reaction to me was giving this affirmation to the pyre lady. I felt my energies swirl in a massive release as I did so. After all, I had not been able to acknowledge her good points as I had been given nothing of her life, but telling her I loved her was enough to set her free from her pain.

 This morning, as I had this realization that she was the one behind my pelvic issues, I saw this pyre lady change from a murky grey colour into one of pink. I do believe she is healed. I also saw all the extra weight that I carry in my thighs and around my hips, as protection from all this pain I have endured in that region. I feel like the protection is unnecessary now. It will be interesting to see if it now melts away as it has served its purpose.

The meditation instructed one to remove all the trapped trauma through the crown chakra. We had the help during this meditation of beings from the angelic realm, who after the removal, shone their bright light into the region of the trapped trauma to heal and cleanse that area.

If I have managed to heal this area of my body, I will be so delighted. These conditions have robbed me of hundreds of hours of my life, being dragged down time and again because I haven’t felt well and probably cost me several thousand dollars as well, paying for different healing methods and treatments.

Have I really crossed the final frontier?


Healing through lifetimes


Love and forgiveness