Love and forgiveness

I watched another interesting account of one woman’s Near Death Experience on U Tube yesterday. The information she had been given included what she called the five lessons of life and these were forgiveness, compassion, faith, trust and unconditional love, saying we are all on earth to experience those things. She was shown that the people who have hurt us the most are actually our best friends in heaven, that they have chosen their difficult lives in order for us to experience what we need to experience. In this woman’s case, she had been molested as a child. She watched as one of her soul family volunteered to be the one who would molest her, all decided in heaven before she was born. She saw the difficult life this person had chosen, all to enable her to experience her trauma, in order for her to learn these five lessons of forgiveness, compassion, faith, trust and unconditional love.

In both of my books, having been given so much information on my previous lives, I talk frequently about the bigger picture. There is always one of these at play. Things we experience can seem so harsh and difficult, but I have been shown time and again that our difficulties all make sense in the greater scheme of things. This is where the faith and trust elements come in. Even if we can’t see it, if we can at least know there is a bigger picture operating and know that we are probably playing something from the past out on some level, it could make experiencing some of these traumas more bearable.

Having been shown so many of my past lives, I would guess that this woman had either been molested in a previous life and had been unable to forgive her perpetrator or perhaps she had abused her own power and been unable to forgive herself. What better way of forgiving than reexperiencing something on earth. Or perhaps she just wanted to grow her soul, by experiencing such things.

I have also talked about there needing to be at least two people for many learning situations to occur, an abuser and a victim, for example. We need to experience situations in order to forgive and develop compassion, so the idea of someone volunteering to come in as the abuser makes a lot of sense. I have learnt that the greater our trauma, the greater compassion we are capable of developing. That space, where the grief or pain sat, once transmuted, can be filled with love and will be a much larger space than if the grief or pain was never there in the first place.

I also talk about getting things right this time around. The people we were in our former lives want us to heal ourselves, they want us to forgive ourselves and others and they want us to learn compassion so that our hearts are pure and not holding onto resentments and other negative emotions when we die. They are all relying on us, the current incarnation of them all to heal the things they didn’t manage to heal in their time on earth.

It all boils down to love, loving ourselves and others and forgiving all those who have hurt us in some way.



The final frontier


A day of ups and downs