Spiritual encounters

We have had a power cut since 4.45am this morning, with a suggestion it would be restored by 1pm. That time has come and gone, so I am writing this on my phone, to be transferred to the computer later.

I said yesterday, that today I would write about the ghostly experiences I have encountered. I wish I hadn't, because I am not sure if it is a good idea to reawaken that subject, but I shall do so anyway

I and all of my children have been plagued by spiritual attacks over the years, though I must say, these have become less frequent as I have aged. Certain locations and times in my life have been been worse, particularly in the latter years of my marriage. I am sure the negativity associated with that time made me a more vulnerable target. The attacks would be terrifying. The mind would be awake, while the body slept. It felt as if a battle was taking place between me and the spirit. Sometimes spirit would try and strangle me, at other times I'd feel the weight of spirit on my body. I found the best method to gain control at these times was to say the Lord's prayer. That had the desired effect of the buzzing stopping and them leaving me and me being able to wake up. Sometimes, after thinking the attack was over, I would stop the prayer, only for the buzzing and attack to resume and I would then have to continue the prayer for a longer time. 

If I have an occurrence like that now, I cleanse myself the following day, though, when I was younger, I didn't know how to do this. Often the attacks would happen after Paul returned from the pub. I am sure he had picked up these wayward spirits while there.

Then there were the feelings of fear I would experience in some houses, or even in my own house at times. I learnt that these feelings were caused by spirit, with either someone having died in that house or spirit lingering before someone died. In my own house, I would be afraid of going to the toilet, for example, and discovered this fear related to someone close to me dying, such as a grandparent and led me to the conclusion that three days before someone died, spirit comes into our dimension to guide the dead person back home and perhaps uses the waiting time to visit loved ones still living. Once the person had died, my fear in my house would disappear. Also, during my time as a nurse, I would often feel spirit around, especially when someone died. I talk about some of these experiences in Who Is Me? Feather Six, starting on page 28. I also talk about Stephen’s ex, Bella, in The Collective Us, Chapter Nine, page 44. Bella had died several years earlier and became a problem during the early days of our relationship. It wasn't until I cleansed Stephen, that she finally left.

The previous owner of the house I am living in now, died suddenly here. I didn't have any problems until I did some house alterations, which must have upset him. I was unable to clear his presence myself, so called on the help of my neighbour. The problems ceased immediately and my cat, who had remained outdoors for a few days, came back inside.

The worst and most fearful experience I had, concerned a set of essences I bought second-hand from a naturopath who was moving to Australia. When I used these, I became aware of a terrifically strong force around me, trying to infiltrate me. It was similar to the spiritual attacks I described above, though I was experiencing this while awake. Apparently, these essences had been taken to one of the Egyptian pyramids and had been left overnight in one. When a friend asked a Maori healer about them, for me, he said they had something to do with the embalming process. He did not know anything of their pyramid history, but I wonder if it was a spirit from one of the ancient embalmed bodies that had attached itself to these essences while in the pyramid. These were immediately cleansed and banished outside.

As I mentioned earlier, I don't experience the spiritual attacks very often these days and only occasionally feel the fear, indicating spirit is around. Yesterday's nightmare did make me question whether there was spiritual involvement, but if there was, there is no more sign of it today.

I think the key is frequent cleansing and remaining free of negativity and keeping the thoughts and intentions positive. And also, not talking about these experiences and thus bringing them into our reality.


Abundance-blockage meditation


Gremlins in the system