Gremlins in the system

I was lying awake early this morning, as Stephen slept alongside me. I’d pulled the blind up as I always do when I wake up. It was daylight, but only just. Id removed the net curtain a while ago, as there seemed no need for it as there weren’t any houses where people could see in, rather tall trees. Next thing I knew, a man’s face was peering in the window. It took him a moment or two to see me, and when he realised I was already awake and staring straight at him, he fled. The man’s face was clear. I would estimate his age to be about 60. He had shoulder-length greyish-white curly hair, parted in the middle and was slightly over-weight. I called out to Stephen, trying to wake him but got the surprise of my life, when Stephen woke me up. That whole scenario I just described had been a dream, or rather nightmare, and as I called out, trying to wake Stephen, he realised I was the one who needed waking. It left me feeling uncomfortable and I noticed the blind was not yet opened and it wasn’t even daylight. The time was 5.27am. I went to the toilet, but felt uneasy about opening the blind on my return.

Yesterday Stephen had woken me at the exact same time and I had woken for two or three mornings in a row also at that time. It certainly beats those nights where I was waking at 2 or 3am for several hours. At 5.30, I feel I have had a good sleep and generally remain awake. However, I know it is no coincidence that it is this time that I have been woken. To me, it is a good time to meditate as I can easily fit one in without being disturbed. However, I did not do so this morning.

Looking up dream interpretations on the internet, showed the dream was not a favourable one, but I knew that anyway, by the way I felt after it. After writing yesterday about all the eye conditions I have had over the years and what Louise Hay would say about them, that perhaps I was refusing to look at something, could be connected. In this dream I did see the man, before he saw me, so perhaps the dream was a response to that writing, showing that I am now seeing what is around me.

The reason for the title this morning was that when I opened up my computer to write this blog, I decided to start afresh with a clear page, rather than adding to the last one. As I opened the page, the screen began flickering and no amount of left or right clicking would stop this. The page was jammed and the only solution was to turn off the computer and restart it. Whenever I have a bad dream, or ghostly experience, I always wonder if there is someone or some entity around, especially when it affects the computer too. I do believe deceased spirit have the ability to interfere with electronics. However, that is another story and one I will write about tomorrow.

Just a foot note here. I have had difficulty placing this post. It would not allow me to add a title so I have gone off the site and repeated the loading. I will delete the other one I loaded without a title. There are definitely gremlins here this morning.



Spiritual encounters


Regular eye check