Peace after the storm

There is always a feeling of peace after the storm of an emotional cleanse and none more so than yesterday and today for me. When I have something to shift, I feel the energy inside me and often it is like a rock that I know needs to be removed, but it is finding the right tools to remove it that becomes difficult.

Since my big release the other day, I have felt a softness and lightness where there was solidity and blackness. It is a great feeling to be at peace within one self.

This particular energy inside me that needed clearing had been with me for a very long time. It had reared its head from time to time, but had always sunk, just out of reach, when the pain had become too much.

Years ago, my brother was working on the woolshed and an iron shard chipped off the hammer he was using, embedding itself in his knee. All it left was a tiny mark and a lot of pain. Any attempts to remove it with a needle were futile – the piece of iron was too deep and too elusive. And to be fair we weren’t even sure there was iron in there, but going from what my brother described, we made that assumption. One could just make out a tiny speck deep within the knee.

That analogy would be the best way to describe an issue that needs clearing. We believe it is there, getting to it is difficult, but actually removing it becomes quite a task.

In my brother’s case we used a magnet. We placed that by the entrance wound and hey presto, out popped quite a large bit of iron, probably a centimetre cubed. Removing this any other way, bar a large operation at the doctor’s surgery would have been impossible.

This is exactly what it is like with what I call a clearing, an issue that is imbedded in part of our body and needs to be released. We react irrationally to a situation, generally indicating a clearing is needed, but actually getting to the real source of our troubles can take some work. Timing is important in this type of work too. I would see many clients while I was working and they would be feeling so bad with the overwhelming emotions of their presenting condition, that often they didn’t want to work on it at that time, but as I always explained, the best time to work on something is while it is raw and painful. It is far easier to get to the source when it is like that, rather than a few days later when it has sunk beneath the surface, a bit like that piece of iron in my brother’s knee.

I had chipped away at my own issue, a bit like my brother with his needle, but it was always too deep and too large to be removed with the tools I had used in the past. I needed my own magnet. In this case, combining the past life healing, the generational healing and my own healing from those teenage years, I was able to finally expose and release this trauma. Just as the iron had popped from deep in my brother’s knee tissue, so my own trauma popped out in much the same way. Before I released it, I was feeling it like a big hunk of lead in my chest, extending up to my shoulders. I am so thankful for that healing and I am looking forward to what lies ahead for me. And I wish everyone else success in their own healing journey as well.


The need for quiet


Generational healing