More meditative work

I wasn’t feeling that great last night so I took myself off to bed at 6.30, falling asleep almost instantly. I was awake for a while when Stephen came to bed and again at 4am when he went to the toilet. When I was still awake half an hour later, I decided to continue with the meditation I had started yesterday, about clearing blocks to abundance. Yesterday’s meditation was an ancestral one and extended to nine generations of people on both my mother’s and father’s side. While doing that meditation I became aware I still needed to do work on some of my former lives, so this morning, I searched for a meditation that would allow me to do this and settled on the first one that appeared in my feed. I was surprised at the two lives that appeared, my Medieval life and my serf life, both of which, I was a male. In the Medieval life, I was imprisoned by a man who thought that by taking what was mine, in this case my wife, he would have all that I had. I was devastated to see my wife with another man. I had equated material possessions with wealth in that life and I had plenty until I was imprisoned. I obviously needed to do some work around him. In the serf life, I was a hard-working man, toiling the land. The harder I worked the more money was taken from me in the form of a tithe and given to the master. My wife was sick and I never had enough money to buy her the medicines she needed. I had already done a lot of work with these two men and their lifetimes but I had not worked on the financial side nor the beliefs that went with this. I was pleased that neither my nun nor my monk life appeared, indicating there was no more work required there. I had worked on both of these lives, cutting ties to poverty and other vows I may have made at the time.

This morning’s meditation started off well, that is, until I fell asleep. They do say that the subconscious hears everything so I am not sure whether I will need to repeat it or whether I have achieved the desired outcome. I guess if I do it again, I will know, if the men reappear or not. If they don’t, then that’s a good indicator I have cleared the blocks their beliefs were responsible for.

I have stated so many times the importance of self-healing and I can’t stress this enough. I know I will have similar issues in my childhood to the ones of the men in the serf and Medieval lives. As I have also stated, we don’t need past life knowledge because we get all the issues we need to work on in childhood, which if untreated, magnify as we get older. Over the years, I have done a lot of work around money, and recognized and changed a lot of my beliefs, but because of the appearance this morning of these two men, I realise there was/is more. I say was, because I may have cleared their blockages. Once again, time will tell.


Third connection


Abundance-blockage meditation