Hanging in the balance

I rang up a couple of weeks ago about having a stall at the nearest Mind, Body & Spirit event, a two-and-a-half-hour drive away. They explained that the venue was small and the available stalls were already booked out with regulars. However, they said they would let me know if a spot became available. I hadn’t heard from them, so emailed them last night to be told that the spaces were still full but I was next on the list. That left me in a bit of a dilemma as I really needed to know by now so that I could book accommodation. I was worried that if they rang up the night before, that I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere to stay.

So, I phoned Genevieve to let her know, as she would be accompanying us and she suggested that we go anyway. She felt like a night away. What a great idea. Stephen always likes to visit his friend while we are down, so that idea was a good one. I have now booked a night at a campground motel, where we have stayed in the past. If we manage to get a slot at the Mind, Body & Spirit event, we’ll leave early on Saturday morning. If not, we can leave later. But both ways, we have somewhere to stay and it will be a bonus if we get to sell my books at the event.

I have always had a positive feeling about this, that I am going to get a stall. I want to see how the book sells among like-minded people. If I am successful, I would consider attending other events around the country. If not, then I perhaps wouldn’t bother. I have already decided that if I do get an opportunity, I am also going to offer treatments, perhaps a chakra balance, healing meditation or a mini reading, about 10 minutes each. People will get an option of a book or a treatment or a combo package of a book and a treatment for a reduced price. I think that would be the best way of covering the stall costs. From my own past experiences, money can go quite quickly at these events and having a shorter, more affordable option, might suit some people’s budgets more than longer sessions.

We will see. But right now, I know I have removed my accommodation blocks about getting a stall. The rest is up to the universe.


Super excited


Third connection