Super excited

I am super excited today after being told that a cancellation last night has given me space for a stall at the Whangarei Mind, Body & Spirit event next weekend. And I will also have a speaking spot, something I am looking forward to.

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned the uncertainty of not knowing whether a space would become available and worrying about accommodation if one did so. We decided we would go to Whangarei anyway and went ahead and booked a motel yesterday. And I always felt optimistic that I would be there. I can even see the space where my stall is set up, even though these have not been allocated yet.

In the blog two days ago, I talked about needing to do more work on two of my past lives that I identified as impacting on my book sales. I did that work yesterday afternoon. The first part was relatively easy, where I offered healing to the Serf and Medieval lives but the second part was something I was not expecting and that was about half an hour of changing beliefs and releasing on every one of these. To change beliefs, I imagine a cord extending from my initial life in Atlantis to my present-day life with a button securing this cord through my body at my back. I identify the old belief, cut the button off at both ends, remove the cord, ask that it be taken to the School Of Angels for cleansing, make a new affirmation/belief, say it out loud and breathe it in three times. I have spoken before about having to do the work first before this cutting procedure. I guess I had already done this because the old beliefs were appearing thick and fast. I found myself yawning non-stop as I did this and frustratingly, I had many half yawns, indicating I had to do more to get the full release. I found myself clearing blocks through all lifetimes, cutting cords to people who had purposefully blocked me and blocks from my current life and even invisible ones. Surprisingly, I can remember little of these old beliefs today, but I guess that doesn’t matter, they are gone and the new ones are in place. I knew when I had finished, as I experienced a beautiful calm feeling and could feel that there was nothing more there.

Receiving word last night that I would be at the Mind, Body event was confirmation that I had indeed removed the blocks. Another thing I have mentioned previously is timing. I do believe that everything happens in the manner it is meant to. Timing is always perfect. For my whole life I have had so much fear of exposing my spiritual side. That fear is now gone. And underneath that fear, were all these blocks. There was a process, these would never be visible to me until I had first cleared the spiritual fears.

I do believe the image I was shown two years ago and which I wrote about in The Collective Us is coming to fruition. In that, I was shown a car speeding along the road and jamming on its brakes. The momentum of the car meant that it took some time to stop. I was told that only when the car, (or I) had stopped completely, would the way ahead be shown to me. I can see that taking shape now.


Clearings in action


Hanging in the balance