Good night’s sleep

Today’s blog comes fresh from a good night’s sleep. In the previous blog, I talked about being awake for long periods through the night, over the last few days. It was lovely waking up this morning to see the time was 6am and not 1 or 2am. I must admit I did get up at 3 for the toilet but I fell asleep quickly after that.

Sleep is such a necessity and I have always needed a lot of it. I am not one for remembering many of my dreams though. Occasionally, I have spiritual ones that stick with me or I feel I have spent the night being taught something, with exactly what that was, sitting just outside of my awareness upon waking. I do think it would be wonderful to recall all my dreams as some people I know are able to do but in saying that, I get plenty of guidance through meditation, so perhaps that is why I don’t have the same dream recall as others.

When I was a child, I used to have the same dream when I was sick. It consisted of humming and a series of lines – hard to describe, but very familiar to me. The dream was often the first indication that I was sick. I would wake up and think, oh I have had that dream again, then a moment or two later, realise that I did not feel well. I had lots of bouts of tonsilitis as a child, that was, until my tonsils were removed when I was 12. I’ll never forget the following year and how well I felt without being pulled down with that illness. I haven’t had that dream for years now, even though I do from time to time, get high fevers.

Another common dream I had as a child was falling from a cliff. Of course, I would wake up during this, being incredibly thankful it was only a dream. Then there was the one that frequented me as an adult and that was wanting to go to the toilet, but there being no toilet, or no privacy. I would often be searching and could never find one. And then there was the very old-fashioned house that I would often find myself in. The difference with this dream was that it was in black and white. Then there were the flying dreams, I always felt so free in these.

In The Collective Us I described times when I had been meditating and felt I had actually been taken back to that period in time in which I was viewing. These particular instances were more real than just a visual memory and probably more similar to a dream than the images received in meditation. They were also in black and white, whereas dreams and images from meditation were usually in colour.

I have had a few prophetic or spiritual dreams over the years too. Most notably, was before my father died, when I was 19. The first dream started out ordinarily with me running home to my mother, then this most beautiful feeling overtook me, just indescribable. It wasn’t until after my father died that I realised the significance of this dream. I was being shown the feeling of love and oneness as one would experience in heaven. In the second dream, I was running down a hillside, over what I thought were posters. I recognized the hillside when we buried my father, as the one at the cemetery, and the posters were in fact, tombstones.

When one thinks about it, dreams and meditation images are fascinating, especially when we have intricate dreams with lots of well-thought-out twists and turns. But as I say, I have only recalled a very small number of mine. I just did my maths; with 365 days in a year and 66 years of life, I have the potential to have recalled more than 24,000 of my dreams or triple or quadruple that if we have multiple dreams in a night. Gosh, that’s a mighty lot of unrecalled happenings - a whole, other, unknown world.


Flow of life


Night waking