Flow of life

There is nothing that feels more aligning than when everything flows. Yesterday was one of those days. My blog, from the day before, had not been published due to me saving, rather than publishing it, so I decided that I would rectify that mistake first thing. Once I had my computer opened and the blog online, I decided that I may as well write that day’s one as well, seeing as I was already sitting with opened computer. I finished it pretty quickly – sometimes the words flow while at others they don’t, but yesterday, there was no problem.

I knew I needed to go to town to buy my soon-to-be 12-year-old granddaughter her birthday present, which falls on April 1st. I didn’t want to be any later in getting the present away in case it didn’t arrive in time. As it was, I was cutting it finely, but I just seemed to be busy with other things, preventing me from getting to town earlier in the week.

I decided that I would shop at The Warehouse first as I had jewellery and possibly makeup, in mind for her present. Whilst I was told that the jewellery selection was only a fraction of the size it once was, I still managed to find a silver necklace and ankle bracelet set. I then went in search of the makeup and discovered a beautiful eyeshadow box, with colours such as Friends Forever, Timothy, Magic Feather and Floppy Ears, which sounded absolutely perfect for a girl of that age. Buying presents when they are younger is easy, but as the children reach this age, it becomes more difficult. What will she like? Clothes had always been a safe bet, but Eva is now taller than me with her own tastes. Whilst hers and mine are similar, I am not sure what size I would need to buy for her, so opted for this different approach instead.

I had a second present to buy too, this time, for a new baby. I found the perfect stretch and grows in another shop in town. This baby is from further south, where it gets bitterly cold in winter. I remember camping in the bush there once and waking up to a completely white scene in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, that wasn’t unexpected because we had felt the cold during the night, sleeping in all the clothes we had with us in order to keep warm.

Amongst the selection of stretch and grows, was a merino-wool one. I was surprised that this was here because Kaitaia does not get that cold, but I knew it would be perfect, along with a couple of cotton ones for when the baby gets older.

I had popped into Noel Leeming while parked at The Warehouse, looking for ink for my printer. They’d been out of stock the last time I was there, and I was disappointed to find they still did not have my one but I was directed across the road to try another shop. That was also out of stock, but the man phoned their sister shop, situated on the main street, to see if they had the required cartridge. They did. It was a double, but that didn’t bother me. At least I would now have a good supply of ink.

Posting my parcel to the Gold Coast was easy. There was no one else at the post shop and it was open!  I posted my other parcel this morning as I had been unsure of the address. It is handy having post bags and RD stickers in my drawer. I have these in readiness for any book sales.

Stephen and I followed yesterday’s shop with a sit-down lunch, something we don’t generally do. I had intended to buy a few groceries but by this stage was feeling too tired, but all in all, a lovely, flowing day.

When we got home, I decided to wrap the stretch and grows and as I opened the drawer for the Sellotape, there in the corner, was an unopened cartridge of black ink. I am now just hoping my printer lives long enough to utilise this supply. I don’t have any 200-page books to print out anymore. Perhaps, this extra supply of ink is trying to tell me something. Another book perhaps?




Good night’s sleep