Daniel’s birthday

It would have been Daniel’s 39th birthday yesterday so we did what we have done each year since he died and that is to visit his grave as a family and remember him. Daniel is buried at the Houhora Cemetery, a 69km, 55-minute drive from my house. It is a beautiful spot and I am sure one he would have chosen for himself had he known he was going to die so soon. It is set in the country with rolling hills surrounding it and is quiet and peaceful. Yesterday, five blue herons flew by, as we gathered at the site. Herons are my favourite bird. I am sure that was a message from Daniel, reminding me of the beauty that he now resides in.

Willow is seven now and was just 14 months old when he died in 2017, nine days after his 33rd birthday. I don’t think she has much memory of him, nor does his nephew who was present yesterday. The other two children weren’t even born. We talked a little about Daniel, explaining to the kids what a good person he was, how he had so many friends because he was a kind and caring person. I am not sure of Willow’s comprehension of the situation – after all that is her norm, only to see her father in photographs or the odd video but I think as she grows, she will become more aware of the fact she doesn’t have a father like most other children.

I always look at situations from a soul perspective. I don’t believe anything is by chance. I believe Daniel passed when he was meant to and I also believe that Willow chose those two parents, knowing that she would be in that situation, without a father, later. It is often hard to understand what the purpose could be, but I know that through my own experiences and knowledge from my past lives that everything fits in perfectly and makes perfect sense when we see the bigger picture. And I have found, there is always a bigger picture at play.

And as all of my readers know, reincarnation for Daniel is definitely a possibility at any time. I must admit I do look at the children and wonder whether any of them are Daniel or my father, for example but to date, I haven’t found any indication of this. I explained in The Collective Us that I believe that even if someone was reincarnated, the person they were on earth, still remains in spirit, hence my ability to see my own past lives.

I do still see Daniel in spirit from time to time. My latest siting was only a few days ago, but in this episode, both he and everyone else I saw, didn’t speak to me, instead, indicating I was meant to receive my answer from another source. I can’t even remember which meditation I was doing or what for, only that speaking to those passed over was not the right thing to be doing then. It was like they were collectively all trying to help me. And that is the beauty of our passed over loved ones. They do try to help us.

I found a lovely Native American prayer on Facebook, which I recited yesterday.

I give you this, one thought to keep.

I am with you still, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,

I am the diamond glints on snow,

I am the sunlight on the ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush –

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that

Shine at night.

Do not think of me as gone –

I am with you still,

In each new dawn.


Changes made


Much needed help