Changes made

I am so grateful to Lorraine, my friend from our writing group, for the work she has done updating my website during the past two days. I now have reviews available for people to read, and readers can buy my books from anywhere in the world off my website, or should they choose, can click on a link and buy them from Amazon. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have been meaning to get these changes made for a long time. The beauty of getting someone like Lorraine to do this work for me means that it gets done quickly and efficiently. It seems nothing is too much trouble. This latest lot seemed pretty minor to me, but still took about nine hours to complete. Lorraine worked until she had finished, and wasn’t helped by the fact I went onto Squarespace to download yesterday’s blog at the same time she was trying to make some of these changes. It seems only one person can be working on the site at a time and some of the work had to be repeated. But there weren’t any complaints. I am grateful. I just think how difficult things would have been if I had used a stranger. I did have someone in mind, but they lived in Wellington and making later changes would have been difficult.

Having good people around us is important – a good dentist, doctor, chiropractor, accountant, lawyer, plumber, electrician, massage therapist – in fact, everyone whose services we need. I am not quite there yet, but with all of these, I have had good ones at one time or another.

I wanted something from the chemist on Tuesday and made the extra eight-kilometre journey into town to get it. There, I was seen by a woman whom I’d not met before. She was fantastic, helpful, understanding, knowledgeable and discreet. Just what I needed. I talked about my experiences in Who Is Me? of getting poor service from professionals, which all came back to my low self-esteem, not believing I was good enough to be helped. Of course, this was on a subtle level, and not obvious at the time, but when I did the work on myself and my beliefs, the truth unravelled and I was able to see clearly how my beliefs about the help I would receive always meant I wouldn’t get what I wanted or needed. And as I pointed out in the book, we know if we have cleared our issues completely by whether things like this repeat for us or if we have different future-experiences. I am pleased to say, not getting help when I need it is no longer an issue for me and Lorraine’s brilliant work and my experience with the chemist, is testament to this.

Genevieve is coming to stay this weekend and I shall get her to show me how to use Instagram. Jason very briefly put some posts up for me, tagging some of the spiritual websites. Now, if anyone clicks onto my website and wants a book, they can buy one without further hunting on the internet. Hopefully that will equate to more sales. I can see everything falling perfectly into place.






Daniel’s birthday