Much needed help

Today seems to be one of those days when one catches up with things one has been putting off. For me this entailed the changes to this website. Those who have followed my former posts know that I am not that great on a computer. The answer to this is to call on my friend and fellow writer, Lorraine, who is also the person who created this website for me.

The changes I am intending aren’t big ones but slightly beyond my capabilities. I have collected reviews from readers and I want these added to the website, with room to add more as these are given to me. I need links to Amazon, so that overseas buyers can click on these and be taken straight to the purchasing window rather than trying to find my books on Amazon, themselves. The third addition, is to make the books available to overseas buyers from this website, should they prefer to buy in this way. To date, I have only catered for New Zealand buyers. After this is done, people will have a choice of how they purchase the books - from my website or from Amazon. Hopefully these changes will make things easier for people who want to read what I have written.

The second thing I have done today is made contact with the organisers of the Whangarei Mind Body & Spirit event, which will be held in May, to see if there is a possibility of me having a stall. I have been told that there is not a lot of space and generally what is available is taken up with regulars. I have yet to hear back but regardless of whether I do or don’t get a stall, at least I have tried, rather than talking about wanting to do that. I figure that people at these events will be just the ones who will be interested in my books.

It is funny how some days we seem so motivated, yet at other times we let things slide. Today is obviously a motivating day for me. I have been meaning to make the changes to my website for months now. I was awake again last night for more than two hours and the meditation I put on during this time was one to release stored trauma in the body. Perhaps that has something to do with my desire to get these things done. After all, when we release something, it makes room for something else. In my case, perhaps it is the feeling of satisfaction, knowing that another job has been achieved. 


Daniel’s birthday


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