Choosing a new phone

My phone is on its last legs. I have a five-year-old Samsung S7. Its battery needs charging several times a day and the storage is full. Everything else though, is functioning well, apart from a few cracks across the screen. My kids introduced me to the S series several years ago. This is my second.

This time around, I thought I would explore other options. I don’t need the latest model, never have, and I am definitely not technical, so many modern features would be lost on me.

Everyone I know who has an iPhone, swears by them and I know they take amazing photos. Someone suggested an Oppo model so I have been looking at what is available in their range as well and comparing features and prices with other brands. I see these latest phones come with far larger battery capacity and storage, both of which are forcing me to renew my old phone. Definitely an improvement since I was last looking.

I pulled up several reviews from U Tube, hoping to help me make my decision. I must say I was being swayed towards Oppo with their super-fast charging, great camera options and mega storage capacity, but two reviewers showed me the colours the phones captured, with one pointing out the disappointing green. I love colour, I love capturing colour in my flowers and sunsets. I would be upset if I could not get the perfect colours when I photographed something. I see the different variations of the same sunsets when people post their images on Facebook and I know I don’t always capture what I am seeing with my phone, but generally, I am pleased with the results.

What swayed my decision in the end, was a special from our local appliance shop, where my good old trusted, tried and true Samsung was a couple of hundred dollars cheaper than the other brands.

I don’t care that its not the latest model and very soon will be even more outdated, or that it only comes in grey. Its storage capacity is only half of some of the other brands, but still, four times more than my current phone, and the battery is way up there with the rest. At least I know what I am getting with this phone. I am sure I won’t regret my decision. And I am hoping for at least another five good years with this one too.



