
The Collective Us has gone to the printers. There is still a cover to design and a queue to negotiate. I thought I already had the cover organised but the one I commissioned may not be suitable. While I had a clear picture in my head for my first book (although we ended up with a different idea), I have not really thought too much about this one. Ideally, an image showing the 31 of my former lives in a circle would be great, but I think asking someone to design that may be too hard, especially as the 31 people are of all ages and nationalities. I am not an artist and have no idea about that side of things, nor do I know what works with books and what doesn’t. I will be leaving a lot of that decision making with the designer. She is ringing on Monday.

Another thought that has been circulating in my head is whether to add a subtitle along with the title: The Collective Us ….A Story of Reincarnation or The Collective Us…Reincarnation and More…something along those lines anyway. While the back cover provides a bit of content, having the word reincarnation on the front cover would certainly alert readers to the book’s content. If I did that, I would hopefully attract readers more easily. I know there are many people in the world who would be interested in my book, the issue is finding them or them finding me. This is something else I wish to discuss with the designer. I know she will have the knowledge.

It is wonderful dealing with experts in their different fields; people who have gained incredible experience and are willing to share with those of us who know nothing on a particular topic. At the end of the day though, we make the ultimate decisions, especially where our books are concerned but it is certainly better to be able to make them informed, rather than guessing.

I am looking forward to Monday and then to viewing the concept this woman comes up with for my front cover.



Choosing a new phone

