
This will have to be the first time that I have sat down at my computer and not known what to write. Usually, as soon as my computer is opened, a thought comes to me and off I go. I have talked about this once before. And it could be the reason that nothing is coming to me this morning is because I am blocking the thought that did come. It is like spirit is making me write about that, even though I don’t want to. Well, the thought that did come concerns something that occurred yesterday. I was sitting with some women and the conversation came up about people dying. I listened as each one spoke, fresh from visiting Daniel’s grave two days ago. Inside, I was crying out, none of you know what it is like. Then one of the women mentioned her doubts about reincarnation. ‘’I don’t know if it is real,’’ she said. That is when I joined the conversation.

‘’That is the basis of my two books,’’ I said, or something along those lines. ‘’Read my books, it is all in there.’’ I proceeded to tell them that when we reincarnate, part of us stays up in heaven, while the other part occupies our new body. There were thousands of things I could have said about reincarnation and that came out – perhaps because I had just written that when I wrote the blog about visiting Daniel’s grave, about how I still see people in spirit or the people I was in my previous lives, for example, when, like me, they could very well be occupying a new body. In other words, part of us always remains in spirit.

There is so much more I could have said. Through my own experiences, I now understand how it all works. When people are told they were such and such a person in a previous life, that means nothing. It only takes meaning when we put it in context. If for example, we have an aversion to water and find out we had a previous life where we drowned, that aversion starts to make a bit of sense. I have found all of my past lives make sense. My fear of exposing my spiritual side, that I grappled with for most of my life, came from several lives where I was put to death because of my spirituality. The same with my writing. I had lives where I was put to death because of what I had written. Every single one of my issues that I have dealt with in this life has its origins in a previous life or several previous lives. Shame, being falsely blamed and having jealousy directed at me are all examples. But what I have also realised, which I talked about in The Collective Us, is that the people we were in our previous lives rely on us, the present incarnation of them all, to heal situations in our lives, because in doing so, we are healing them, at the same time. They want to be healed. And so that becomes one of our responsibilities with each incarnation – to heal ourselves and forgive others, along with at least one soul purpose, that I believe we all possess. I have mentioned numerous times that one of my soul’s purposes is to write so that others may understand and that is what I try and do.

The reason for my reluctance to write this this morning, is that I don’t want people to think that any conversation where I am present, will be written about in tomorrow’s blog. However, what became very clear when I opened my computer this morning was, that if I didn’t write about this, then nothing else would come to me. It was this topic or nothing. That shows me clearly, that spirit is still directing my writing. And as I said yesterday, if anyone wants to find out more, read my books.




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