Be happy for another’s success

Probably one of my most loathed things I encounter in life is another’s jealousy directed at me. I feel it energetically and invariably lose my power. I also see it a lot when I am healing other people; I see the tell-tale seaweed-like substance coating them. Usually, the fact the person feels shut down is the reason they have asked for a healing in the first place. Negative emotions directed at another person do matter, they matter a lot. Whilst most people are unaware of the negative energy impact on another, those of us in the field of energetic healing see the results all too often. Thoughts are real, they produce energy. This energy directed at another person can have an impact, especially when negative.

It was when I started to look energetically at people that I started seeing the different impact of different thoughts on people. A person’s own negative thoughts might coat them in a black mist, for example, while worrying about a person, will coat that other person in an energetic net. Being jealous of another person coats that other person in a seaweed like substance as I mentioned above. All of these things then inhibit the recipient’s ability to absorb energy from their surroundings. They wonder why they are feeling down.

No one likes being around a moaning negative person – this type usually puts words out into the environment, generally making the whole area an unpleasant one to be in. And notice how drained we feel when we have been around one of them. I try not to have too much to do with this type of person these days.

The reason for my writing today concerns my daughter. She was so excited to have been approved a bank loan. She works incredibly hard to have got into this position of being able to buy a larger house. She asked me for a healing and when I went in energetically, the tell-tale signs of jealousy were there, shutting her down and making her feel miserable. I removed what I saw. Fortunately, recovery from this type of interference is instant. I know she would have been back to her excited self, immediately after the healing.

I talk about jealousy in both my books. After the veil was lifted from me in 2001, and I was given lots of new information about my past lives, I was shown that my very first incarnation had taken the issue of others been jealous of her on as one of her soul purposes. Without an incarnation before that, she had nothing to work on, so she took on jealousy to experience it and thus heal it. In every lifetime since, jealousy has played a big part.

One of my soul purposes is to stay in my power. As I mentioned above, having jealousy directed at me, causes me to lose my power. I have done a tremendous amount of work on myself over the years and I must say, there is rarely any jealousy directed at me these days, a sign I have healed most of it but until I can stay in my power continually, then I know there is still work to do.

I know those who are jealous of another are usually feeling inadequate in some area of their life. Perhaps if one is finding another is jealous of them, send some love their way, or if you are the one feeling jealous, try and find something to be thankful for in your own life. And remember, thoughts are real.







Fragility of life


What another is going through