When word plays up

 I have been getting a message on my computer telling me to restart Office so that it can apply changes to my privacy settings. I have done that twice and the sign still keeps coming up. What’s more, yesterday I was told that the problem had caused serious damage and I was to open Word in safe mode, which I did.

I am doing what I am told, but it seems the problem is not getting fixed. Why the problem started in the first place is unknown as well. I have gone into privacy settings myself but can’t see anything obvious that may be the cause. A few days ago, a big thing came up in the front of my screen telling me to do various things and this probably coincided with the yellow cautionary sign here in Word. Sometimes it appears one has to do something as there is no alternative going forward without doing it, which was the case a few days ago. It was something to do with backing my work up. I do have a device for this myself and that reminds me that I am due to do this again. That way if anything major happens, at least I have copies of my work.

Also, yesterday’s blog has gone missing from my Word. I have looked in both documents and personal documents, to no avail. When I saved it, I remember it coming up in its name rather than the blog, but even searching under its name has been futile. As I have already uploaded it, it doesn’t matter if I don’t find it again, though it is nice to have a copy of all the blogs myself in Word.

Adding to my troubles, I have been told that my computer isn’t compatible for the next Windows. They will be able to service any problems until October (I can’t remember if this year or next) and give me updates, but after that, that’s it. Is this just a ploy to get me to buy another computer? I don’t know, but I find it frustrating that this is the case. It seems that nothing we buy is generated to last very long anymore. And I won’t go into that as I have already covered it in a previous blog.

I am thinking now that I may need help if I am unable to remove this yellow sign. Afterall, one doesn’t want to cause serious damage to one’s work/computer.


Bad behaviour


Oh, what a difference a day makes