They have arrived

Finally, my books have arrived – well, most of them anyway. There is still one box en-transit. I am not sure how that has happened as they were all dispatched together and travelled together, but one somehow missed the connection yesterday with the rural delivery driver. I see the box has now landed in Kaitaia so hopefully I will receive it on Monday. As this was marked box number one, I am assuming it was placed in the truck first and possibly got hidden somewhere in the back. It is great being able to see the status of our parcels these days and knowing where they are, even if the post does sometimes seem slow.

That now brings me to my next task, selling them. Being out there, is not my greatest trait, but I am determined to make an effort to sell this book. I am intending to visit the Mind, Body, Spirit fairs, the local market and to actively promote it on social media. I am even prepared to give talks if need be. And I will have the book-launch in a timely manner (the last took four years). That is my big-girl talk anyway. The reality may be quite different.

I am certainly more confident than I was with Who Is Me? but time will tell if I am as confident as I would like to be. I have arranged for the book to be available in Kindle form, and for overseas buyers to be able to purchase print on demand on Amazon, though this has not been put in place yet. Buyers in New Zealand can purchase off this website. I have the copies ready to send.

I think the reality for writers these days is that not many people actually make money off their works. I have chosen the self-publishing route, shouldering all the costs myself. But it also gives me the ability to do with it as I wish (and that’s not hiding it away in the back room like the last one). I had thought originally that I would send it to a publisher for consideration, but at the 11th hour, something inside me said no. I do trust my intuition and even though I had prepared all the submission documents, I decided that self-publishing was what I wanted. The printing company was awesome to work with and I would definitely use them again if there were to be another book.

Soon, I shall start thinking about what I will say on my Facebook page. P J Lee is my penname but at some point, I will have to reconcile that with my friends not connected to the PJ Lee Facebook page. After all, I want sales.

As I explained in both books, I have been shown, on numerous occasions, that my soul purpose is `to write so that others may understand’.  So, my purpose of writing is not to make a whole lot of money, but to share information I have gleaned, hoping that it will help others on their own spiritual journey.

However, in saying that, recouping my costs would be nice.


Lovely visit


There is always something