There is always something

I worked out a long time ago that there is always something that seems to challenge us. Having babies for example, I can understand that each of us would find some part difficult, otherwise there would be babies galore. It is kind of nature’s birth control. I know a lot of people dread the labour, but for me that was the most exciting part of the whole pregnancy – exciting because soon the little baby would be there. The part I found difficult, was the carrying, especially in the third trimester. For the first three pregnancies I was on the farm, and climbing hills and doing any kind of farm work was difficult. Everything was an effort, yet days after the baby was born, when most people would be taking it easy, I would be back out there, baby in my front pack and able to do everything with the ease of pre-pregnancy days. While I wasn’t on the farm for the last two, the tiredness was still extreme. I seemed to need a sleep most afternoons and housework could only be accomplished in the mornings. I would have loved more children, but my body was telling me that another third trimester would be too difficult. As I said, each person seems to find at least one part difficult and I am sure that is nature’s way of ensuring our households are not bulging with too many children. For some it’s the birth, for others the early days of sleepless nights, others the toddler stage or for some it is the morning sickness, or the financial burden of another mouth to feed and for others like me, it is the struggle of those last few weeks.  With contraception we have a choice, but we also have the part of pregnancy that we find difficult, having a big impact on that choice.

The reason I started out on this tangent this morning is because I am coming to the part that I find difficult in the book journey – that of following the computerised instructions to get my book on Amazon. Even the kindle bit, I am unsure whether I’ll be able to sell the e-version from my website yet, because I don’t understand how e-books work. A hard copy in my hand is easy, I can simply wrap and post. I understand that.

I love writing and I loved writing my latest book. The editing was a little boring but still doable. The checking was tedious, trying to constructively pick up any mistakes instead of glossing over the now over-familiar words, but again, doable. However, the part I am up to now, is where it gets difficult for me. There will be uploading here and uploading there. I am lucky that my friend who created my website, chose an easy version so that I would be able to post these blogs relatively easily. However, that is about as far as my computer understanding goes. The formatting was another issue. And then of course there is marketing. I am dreading that process as well.

I know many people, especially young people, would find this part the easy part. They have grown up around computers and social media. But for people my age there is still a fear there, that if we push the wrong button, the world will self-destruct.

Maybe this is nature’s way, just like in a pregnancy, of making sure there are not too many books out there! Or perhaps its an ingrown belief that life can’t be too easy. Whatever, it once again adds to my belief `that there is always something’.



They have arrived


Power cut