The synchronicity of synchronicity

Five days ago I wrote a blog titled ‘synchronicity’, about seeing the three monkeys four times in a row, and yesterday my blog ‘octopus’, talked about seeing things related to these creatures four times as well. Both these are good examples of synchronicity but I am going to add a further incident that happened yesterday.

On Wednesday, I rang a company about hay as I wanted to mulch my garden. I was expecting to travel up to Awanui to collect it but was told the yard was shut for the afternoon and could I make 9am the following day? ‘’Yes,’’ I replied. Stephen and I were just about to leave the house yesterday morning, when we got a text to say the people were running late. The meeting was changed to 9.20. Nearly at the yard, we received a text saying there had been a further delay and it would now be 9.30 before they made it to the yard. We pulled up with 10 minutes to spare so decided to buy a lotto ticket at the dairy at the junction of State Highway one and ten. I also wanted to use the toilet so Stephen dropped me off while he turned the car around.

We had passed some traffic lights on our way to town and it must have been this traffic from the compulsory stop that was now emerging from State Highway ten as I waited to cross the road to the dairy. There just seemed to be car after car as I and a truck driver, who had also stopped, waited for a gap in the traffic. Finally, the cars stopped and we both made a dash for it across the busy highway. As I was entering the shop, I heard a toot. I didn’t bother turning around as who would toot at me? I thought.

As I emerged from buying my ticket, I could see Stephen, who had now turned his car around and pulled up, talking to someone. The person looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite decide who it was. In that instant I was tapped on the should by someone else and instantly realised who these people were – it was one of Stephen’s best friends from Whangarei and his son. The pair were heading to Houhora for a fishing expedition.

Each time we head south, Stephen visits his mate, but this is the first time he has been up north since Stephen moved in with me, seven years ago. What are the chances of me crossing the road at the exact time as they were emerging from filling up with fuel? All those delays, firstly a whole day, then the extra minutes, giving us that 10-minute extra window, enabling us to buy the ticket when we did.

Once again, a fine example of synchronicity. His mate will call in for a night or two on his way home so we would have seen them anyway but perhaps, if we hadn’t have known he was up this way, we might have been out or away when he came.

But the title of this blog, the synchronicity of synchronicity is what is catching my attention. That is now three examples of synchronicity in nearly as many days. As I asked with both the monkeys and the octopus, what is this trying to tell me? I do believe there is a message for me. I have always associated synchronistic occurrences as reassuring me I am on the right spiritual path. In this case, as well as the individual messages, the fact it has happened three times, is perhaps trying to give me an overview, that I am coming into alignment with my higher purpose, maybe?

When I was first developing my spirituality and learning about all things associated with it, coincidence was among the things that I was reading about. I did mention this particular instance in Who Is Me? P 62, but as I was reading about a specific synchronistic event in a section on synchronicities, the exact same thing I was reading at that moment, came up on the television, which had been playing in the background.

In The Celestine Prophecy, author James Redfield, places great significance on synchronicities. He believes that everyone who crosses our path has a message for us, for example. But he also believes that synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence that brings us information at just the right time. Perhaps I am somehow attuning to the messages out there for me more than in the past and thus noticing the synchronicities or perhaps there really is something bigger at play here. Either way, I am enjoying them and the challenge of figuring their meanings.


Distressing court cases


The octopus