The circle of life

It was with sadness today that I heard of the passing of a friend’s husband. I had massaged this man several times, so I knew him reasonably well. His death was expected and I had heard that his health had deteriorated in recent days, but hearing of his passing was still a shock and still makes me sad. Stephen and I had seen him just over a week ago. I had been told that no time was a good time to visit so we decided to go that day. I am now so thankful that we did as any later would have become too late as those last few days were spent with family members.

There is no escaping for any of us, death. In some it comes suddenly, in others it is something that they know will catch them soon. With each one’s passing, it brings home for all of us, a reflection of our own lives. What if this happened to me tomorrow? Have I achieved everything I wanted to in this life? What are the things I still need to do, or the people that I need to see once more?

Several months back, Stephen was saddened to hear one of his old friends had died. He had said to me several times that we ought to make a journey to visit this person, but we had never quite gotten around to it. Once they have passed it is too late.

In my own experiences of healing my past lives, I realise how important it is to die without any unforgiveness or ill-feelings towards another or ourselves. If we harbour those feelings, we will have to confront them in our next life. Why is it so hard to say sorry to people or to forgive someone who has done us wrong or for them to forgive us? We might be one of those people who die suddenly. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was nobody left behind who held any ill-will towards us or we had no regrets ourselves on the way we had conducted our lives, or what we had achieved in them.

In my upcoming workshop on Thursday, I address the importance of self-healing. Ultimately, I believe our journey here on earth is about working towards wholeness, which only comes about when we have total love for ourselves and everyone whom we interact with and thus our hearts are pure and not harbouring any negative feelings.

Life is a circle, we are born, we die, we are born again. But it is still sad when one leaves us. I feel for my friend left behind. She will now have to adjust to a new way of living. She had been married for more than 40 years. That will be hard.

I can only hope that I can be there for her when she needs me. She has a lot of friends so I am sure she will be well-cared for.



