
Before Christmas, Chiara pulled me aside for a quiet word. "Would you teach me your spiritual practices?" she asked.

I was a little unprepared for her question, but agreed, not sure how I would proceed in doing so.

Her parents were visiting from Italy, but after they'd gone, I received a phone call from Chiara. "Could I come out sometime this week?"

And that's how our weekly teachings began. We start with a Cacao that she has brought, then I show her a procedure. I then do this on her, while she repeats it on me. Sometimes we do two.

Chiara has been taking notes to refer to but she is a natural and really it is just a matter of developing a few more skills for her tool bag. It is handy having different techniques to draw on when we are treating a client.

I had always intended running a spiritual development group - that was where I had my greatest spiritual growth. It has just been a matter of finding the time and the inclination to start.

And I had thought about teaching too, perhaps in a group, just as I am doing with Chiara. However, this is a good start and maybe that will come later.

In some ways, I feel as if I am giving some of my soul away. My way of working and my techniques are methods I have learnt or developed myself. By sharing what I know, I feel I am no longer unique, but in the same token, I am getting older, so it is good to pass on my knowledge.

I know one of the biggest desires of many spiritual seekers in their early days is confirmation that they are spiritually gifted. But the reality is that we all are. Each person has the potential to develop their spiritual skills, though each of us has a uniqueness - some see better, while others hear or feel more, while still others have a stronger sense of knowing than their peers. When I started out, there were many so-called spiritual people who thought they were better than anybody else and didn't like the thought of anyone threatening their standing. Fortunately, much of that attitude has changed, being replaced by one of cooperation and acceptance of each person's uniqueness and abilities.

I realised, while I was thinking about Chiara, and my interactions with her, that I hadn't given her any feedback. She is a natural and reminds me a lot of myself when I was that age. She is incredibly spiritually-gifted. I must make a point of telling her this today.

It is now afternoon, as Chiara arrived while I was writing this. I did pass on to her my acknowledgement of her gifts. It was something she said she had been working on during the week so that is good to find we are so in tune with each other. Today I taught her how to do the tap mediation, one where we channel colours through a person, washing out all the negativity in the process. It is a wonderful healing technique and gives a great insight into the client we are working with, especially as we also channel the words at the same time - the negativity that needs letting go of. Chiara was spot on with her words while working on me and I felt like I had had a great healing at the end of it. Many of the techniques I use, I haven’t experienced myself, so it has been lovely receiving them. That was a big part of learning massage, to experience the moves we were doing on others.

So, for me, this healing is a win/win situation. I am teaching, but I am also receiving wonderful treatments from a very gifted healer.





White Island/Whakaari