
It was disheartening hearing of the major earthquakes in Turkey yesterday, firstly a 7.8, followed by a 7.5 magnitude and a death toll already more than 2300. (Update Feb 10 - death toll now nearly 20,000)

New Zealanders know only too well the destruction these quakes can cause, and that is with our strong buildings. It must be devastating for the people of Turkey, many of whom live in basic housing.

Twenty or so years ago, I remember reading one of Mary Summer Rain’s books. She had befriended a blind, psychic, Indian woman, No-Eyes, in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Over a series of books, Rain described her teachings from this woman. In this particular book, Rain described the pain and images No-Eyes was experiencing as she viewed the future of Earth. She saw fires and earthquakes, floods and war, famine and disease, and huge losses of life. The picture painted was frightening, though it did seem inconceivable at that time.

A lot changed in the world after the September 11 attacks. Things that had seemed impossible before, suddenly became something that could happen, and each disaster in the world, added to this possibility. We have had the fires in Los Angeles and Australia, earthquakes throughout the world, flooding everywhere and wars a constant threat. There have also been lots of famines, the aids epidemic and Covid. And many, many people dying.

I have no doubt in my mind that it was this point in the future that No-Eyes saw, or possibly even further ahead. Regardless of when the period she was viewing occurred, it made her incredibly sad. There have always been earthquakes and floods, fires and wars, famine and disease, yet the intensity and occurrence of these events seems to have magnified.

I don’t think it is any coincidence that we as souls are living in this period, nor that the children coming in have chosen this time to be born into. There must be massive soul lessons for us all and perhaps these children hold the answers to a better world.

We can choose to live in fear, or we can choose to live in lightness, regardless of what is going on around us. And we are all capable of sending healing and prayers for those affected by these disasters.

Perhaps these events will ensure people help each other more often, leading to a more compassionate society. It will be a great day when greed becomes the exception, rather than the norm


Before it is too late

