
For almost a year now, Ashleigh and I have had monthly swaps – she to give me naturopathic advice and me to reciprocate with a treatment. I asked to work on her first yesterday as I was still not feeling 100 per cent. I knew that when my turn came, I could lie on the bed and relax, knowing there was no more for me to do. The treatment was extremely difficult and reminded me of the times I had worked when I had the pericarditis. Every hold and every move was hard. I was willing myself, just a few more seconds, each time my hands shifted for the next step. It was a lovely treatment from my Polarity work-book and involved lots of rocking and holding as well as extensive foot work. Finally, I got to the last move and fell onto the bed for my consultation.

I was asked about my diet and my general health and recounted the antibiotics I had taken and the subsequent fever. We talked for a good hour, with Ashleigh promising to add some natural remedies to my prescription and a food choice for dinner. I hadn’t felt much like eating the last few days, and her suggestion of a chicken broth for tea sounded perfect. We got onto other topics and I mentioned the Mind, Body, Spirit event and how much I had enjoyed it. As the time neared 4pm, we brought the session to a close. As I climbed off the table, I felt energized, hungry and no longer unwell. It is surprising how an opportunity to talk can make one feel so much better. I have seen the same thing in doctors’ surgeries as well. There is nothing like a cheery doctor asking how one is and listening to the symptoms to make one feel a whole lot better. But I suspect there is more going on. People, such as doctors and Ashleigh are healers, having chosen their respective fields to work in. Just by being in their presence, one is healed, regardless of the advice or pills or whatever, one is offered. When one has a consultation, one is sitting at close proximity, generally, and is in that person’s energy field, absorbing all the healing energy that person is emitting. I have mentioned before in a previous blog, how nice it is having time in a consultation such as one with Ashleigh, as I definitely feel the effects of being in her presence for an hour.

We have decided that the next swap will be a computer one, as Ashleigh knows how to do the Facebook ads and the like, something I have been contemplating running again. And I am sure I will feel the benefit again, regardless of whether we are sitting around a computer or a healing table. A healer is a healer, wherever they are.

Just a footnote here. While I felt wonderful last night, I am not so good today but I am sure whatever is in my system will run its course in due time. It is just a matter of plodding on.


Non-flowing life

