Non-flowing life

Sometimes, when our life appears not to flow, there may be other reasons going on than what we imagine.

Perhaps some of us are picking up on something happening to someone close to us and are feeling their pain or sadness or maybe we have picked up an unwanted attachment somewhere along the line. Or maybe it is the building we are finding ourselves in or the land beneath it. Not everything is our stuff.

The trick here, is realizing this, which is often the hardest part. I have been caught out many times, wondering why I am feeling a certain way, only to come to the understanding that I may need to heal myself, and immediately, when I go in and ‘’look’’, I see the cause of my current situation. I think I have talked before about this. The look, in this case is with the eyes closed and intention to see my body or surroundings through my third eye.

This morning, my friend rang from Whangarei, asking for a healing. When I work in this way, I generally see pretty clearly, often more so than when I am in close proximity to that person. My friend had thought she was experiencing heart problems but when I looked, that area seemed clear, but her spine was a different story - black, in contrast to the rest of her body. Clearing this blackness was difficult and as I worked on it, I realised it was actually an attachment, rather than a spine issue. It wasn’t long before the ‘’problem’’ departed, leaving a pristine, glowing, pink spine in its place. Once this was gone, it made the rest of her body seem dense, in comparison to the now-glowing spine. I worked some more on her body. The heart still appeared fine, but the stomach appeared to have some issues and seemed to require inner child work. I relayed all this to my friend and she informed me she had already been doing inner child stuff that morning but would continue later on, following what came through for me.

Doing this kind of work comes with a responsibility. It would be very wrong of me to tell my friend to ignore what she thought was a heart problem. I had already told her, before I went in, that she needed to see a doctor and perhaps ask for an ECG. While it is reassuring for me to see the heart looking fine while viewing remotely, it is still wise to get these symptoms checked out with a doctor.

Not long ago, I was working with someone whose life was not flowing. When I went in for information here, I was told to cleanse their house. Upon doing so, I was shown the house was not the problem, rather the land beneath it. It required a bit of work, but the problem was soon rectified. If only we could each be aware, that problems we experience are not necessarily of our own makings. I am sure if we did so, the world would be a far happier place. I talked about a similar case in Who Is Me? but for the life of me, can’t find the example I am looking for. Basically, we all moved to a custom-made building for our work. I felt awful in this new environment, as did everybody else. The building had been blessed before we all moved in, so there was no reason for any of us to feel this way. When I went in and ‘’looked’’, everything appeared pristine. It was not until I viewed under the building, that I found the problem and cleansed it. It was coming from the ground. Of course, I didn’t tell anyone about this, but the next day everybody was commenting about how much better the place felt. At the time, I was a bit annoyed that the blessing had obviously not included the ground beneath the building, but I was grateful that I was able to do something about the problem.

For those who feel they are not equipped to do this kind of work, a simple intention can be all that is required. Something along the lines of ‘’please remove any negativity in this building and fill it with rainbow light,’’ or ‘’please remove any negativity from my body’’, should suffice. Good luck and remember, if one’s life is not flowing, it may not be of one’s own making.


Man versus machine

