
This blog is a continuation from the last one.

I re-phoned the clinic, left a message and was surprised when told I could have an appointment the following day. Stephen and I had to leave quite early but arrived in plenty of time for my 9.15 appointment. I liked the doctor. What did I want? An iv dose of Vitamin C, I explained. He sat there in silence, waiting for me to explain why I wanted this. A blood test usually precedes such a thing, but we did it the other way around, with me receiving an infusion, followed by the bloods shortly after.

He asked for a thorough screening of the bloods, to rule out any autoimmune conditions, due to the fact I have had pericarditis twice. I liked this approach. It is always good to try to get to the cause of any disease, rather than just treating symptoms. I gather this clinic treats a lot of people whose journey with conventional medicine has been unsuccessful.

I was surprised, when, three quarters of the way through my infusion, five other people came and took their seats in the room provided. I gathered they were regulars and wondered if they were cancer sufferers and also wondered if they were wondering the same about me. Everyone was friendly, but also respectful of others’ privacy.

I didn’t notice any difference in how I was feeling, other than being extremely tired when I got home. I hadn’t slept well, but I rarely have afternoon sleeps these days. However, I lay on the bed and slept for three hours, followed by a further few hours sleep when I went to bed, though wakened for a couple of hours later on in the night. Today I have felt ok, but nothing jumping out at me. The heartburn is still there and just as bad as ever.

However, what I have noticed and this is incredible. My cholesterol levels have dropped drastically. For years, probably the past 20 or so, my cholesterol has been high and extremely so, the last few tests. Today, all were within the normal range. Was that because I had just had an infusion and they’ll return to their normal high soon, or is it something else. They have never gone down before. My only concern was that the tester may have put the decimal point in the wrong place. My last test was 8, meant to be below 5, today it was .8. I would love for a repeat of these. The other thing, let’s hope there is not a bad reason for this drop.

My other bloods all seemed ok, other than blood protein which fell just under the normal range. The doctor was away today, but no doubt will get in touch if he has any concerns. I did book a further Vitamin C infusion for a fortnight’s time. Apparently, people have these reasonably regularly, the cost being the main prohibiting factor. I may even have one more after this. I’ll just see how things go. But so far I am not noticing any extra energy. I was quite emotional after the last one, so I could definitely feel it affecting me.

We shall see.


Bad shopping experiences

