
 It’s strange how every now and again one seems to have a reset. In my case, it as if I have been asleep for a while, I wake up and have clarity around the things I need to do. In this case, it is with my health and my body. I have already started doing regular exercises on top of the walking, but now I want to do something about my general health. I have just accepted ‘my lot’ for the past few years but now something is stirring me to try something different.

I was told about a clinic in Kerikeri that offers a natural approach to medicine, a couple of years ago. For some reason, that dropped off my radar, but now the idea of trying this establishment out is resurfacing. It will be expensive, but I am thinking it may be worth trying at least one or two visits. The appealing part of it is that they offer intravenous Vitamin C. I am not sure whether I would qualify for this treatment but that is something I would like to have.

Perhaps this renewed interest in my own body is the realization that I actually aren’t that much better than I was a couple of years ago when I was first told about this clinic. As I say, it is like I have been sleeping for a very long time. I find this in other areas of my life as well. One day I will awaken and suddenly see a hundred jobs that need doing, make a list and start crossing them off as I do them. These same jobs aren’t ones that have suddenly come up, rather, ones that have always been there. It is my realization that they need to be done that is the difference.

I did try and phone the clinic earlier, to have a talk with the receptionist. However, all I received was a voice message. I didn’t leave a message, though perhaps I should have done because I am sure my call would be returned. I will try again later.

The idea of a natural approach appeals to me far more than being lumbered with a bottle of pills, especially any that might require continual usage. I guess getting older, the time will come when I will need to be on permanent medication, but for now I’d rather not.

Let’s hope that I can at least try the Vitamin C.




It’s all about perspective