Storm over

We received a dollop of much-needed rain yesterday, with the low that has been sweeping the lower part of the country finally reaching us. This was good rain too, consistently heavy throughout the day, and enough to reach the parched roots of the surrounding plant life. Even though we had been away for 10 days, it was obvious that we hadn’t received much rain during that time. All the surrounding countryside was brown and the plants in the garden were looking dry and sorry for themselves. I had put one lavender I had in a pot outside as I thought it would do better than being under cover, but this was dead on our return. I am hoping that we will continue to get some more rain, just to boost the plants along.

I went for my first walk along the beach as well this morning. I arrived home sick and have finally felt well enough to do this. It was lovely and refreshing being on the shoreline, with the salty air blowing about. Being away certainly makes one appreciate one’s home. I have always loved the sea and even though I was on the beautiful Gold Coast I only had one walk on the beach while there and no swim. Instead, I chose to swim in Jason’s swimming pool, which seemed an easier option. Now that I live at the beach, I find beaches at other places don’t hold the same appeal as they used to.

Another good thing about being home is the cooler temperatures. We sweated so much while on holiday. I think it was the humidity more than anything else that seemed to make one feel so hot. It was certainly nice having the swimming pool in which to swim each afternoon.

And now it is a bit later and I have just returned from a massage, another option I chose not to have while away as I have a perfectly good therapist back here in New Zealand. Usually, that is one of the highlights of my overseas travel, finding a good somebody to work on my body. I guess the highlights of our trip this time around were all the time we spent with family and the trips we did together. I hardly did any shopping. The few shops I did visit seemed to all supply the same kind of dresses though I did come home with two new ones, one of which is now my favourite. I found both of these quickly, even though one of these shops was packed with Easter Monday shoppers. I had remembered the shop, in Byron Bay, from our last visit. The second was in my other favourite place to visit, Tambourine. No visit to Gold Coast would be complete without visits to these two towns.

The one thing I would have liked to have got was an aura photo but I didn’t see anything this time, perhaps because we didn’t go into the right places when the shops would have been open. Never mind. Perhaps it is something I could do on my next visit.


Sydney stabber


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