Showery May

I always call May the rainbow season, as we seem to be inundated with these colourful delights throughout the month. The rain is a welcome relief, after having a particularly dry summer and not much rain since. But this May I have only seen a handful of rainbows so I am hoping we get more as the month wears on.

I am still kicking myself that I missed the Aurora on Saturday night but am still hoping for another sighting at some stage. I read where the disruption from the solar flares, which was what was responsible for the Aurora, could also cause more hurricanes throughout the world, so I am hoping that part doesn’t turn out to be correct. I think people are facing enough hardships without adding more hurricanes to the mix.

My bright idea last spring, to mulch the garden with hay was probably not such a good idea after all as now I have many clumps of grass growing in the garden and lots of weeding that needs to take place, a job that should probably have been tackled a month ago rather than trying to do it through these showers.

And I missed my March planting of bulbs, a flower I enjoy. There are some which will come up on their own but I do like to plant ranunculus and anemone. I think I dug up last year’s bulbs, though maybe I didn’t, in which case, I may get some unexpected flowers.

Friends on the Peninsula have talked of the late-flowering hibiscus this year and I have found the same thing myself. The bushes are coming into full-flower now, rather than a month ago as is usual. They are creating a lovely sight and many photographic opportunities though in saying that, I have yet to get the shot I am looking for.

I need to weed the vege garden as well and get in the winter garden. I did half the job the other day and picked a small bowl of cherry tomatoes in the process, from plants that were hidden amongst the tall weeds. Lots of jobs but not a lot of energy to do them.

But on that note, now might be a very good time to go out there and make a start.


Radium girls


Body unwell