
A friend has offered to take some books of mine to sell at the Mind, Body, Soul event at Pukekohe this weekend. That was very kind of him as he will be busy healing there, with enough to do with his own stuff, let alone worrying about mine. I remember my first healing with Sam. It was at an event in Kerikeri some years ago. At that time, he had on display, a book written by another friend of his. It is obviously something he does to help others out, often a sign of an altruistic type of person. Even though there were stacks of people around that first day, which is usually a deterrent to a good healing, Sam was still able to do a great job and it inspired me to visit him at his clinic a short time later, for a longer healing. And I went a few more times after that. And so did several members of my family. Sam’s form of treatment is predominantly reiki, and he also provides lots of feedback afterwards with what has come through for him during the treatment. His energies are strong and he always takes me to a distant place while I am under his healing influence. My last session with Sam was a few months back when I ran into him at the Whangarei Mind, Body event.

I am always guided to the type of treatment I need at the time, but when one finds a good healer, that person is frequented more often and so it has been with Sam.

I was a little concerned about how I would get the books to him this morning as the return journey is almost three hours. I have been running out of steam lately but decided to drop the books and come straight home, as it is the standing or walking around the shops, that seems to make me tired. I was fine. I needn’t have worried. Sam had also made the effort to attend my book launch on Sunday. I was grateful to every person who came and especially to Sam and those others who travelled some distance to be there.

It has been a really nice experience being more open about my spiritual beliefs and practises. I have met some lovely people lately just by being open. And I needn’t have worried about being judged, for those people have kept away. I am finally attracting like-minded souls.

It will be interesting seeing how many books Sam does sell at this event. I gave him five of each book and he says he already has one of each sold to a friend of his. I hope I don’t wish I had given him more, but I will be grateful even if is just two that he sells. Thanks to the Sams of this world. You people are appreciated.


Healing others


Forgoing the walk