Healing others

I had offered to give a couple of people healings and did one on Wednesday and the other today. Healing others in my treatment room is not something I have done for some time, although I have carried out a few phone healings. I stopped most of that last year when I stopped working permanently, choosing instead to let my body heal and wait for my pension.

I had forgotten what I was missing out on, for it is rewarding working with another and following the guidance that comes through as to what is best for that person at that particular time. Getting booked clients is not something I want to do going forward, but having ones like these two, is enjoyable. It is basically my time, my terms, rather than that constant phone and booking system, that sees one getting busier and busier. And where would I find the time to do my writing if I was constantly booked up with clients.

When one has done one’s own healing, it is very easy to see that same issue reflected back in someone else and easy to know the best form of guidance to help that person heal themselves. I find the most successful healings are not those where I do everything, rather, where the client does the work themselves. And each time one works in this way, it is providing a tool for them to do self-work at a later date.

I can’t stress the importance of self-healing. Each of the people we have been before us, is relying on us, the current incarnation of them all to heal aspects that they themselves were unable or unwilling to heal in their lifetimes. Healing the world starts with healing ourselves.

It was very sad this morning waking up and seeing the Queen, first unwell, then later having passed away. She has been a great role-model for the rest of the world. I wonder with Charles being king, how that will go. This man has unhealed rifts within his own family. How can he rule the Commonwealth if he is unable to find peace with those closest to him. Once again, it starts in our own back yard. We heal ourselves, which in turn, heals our immediate relationships, which in turn heals further afield and so it spreads. Imagine if everyone was to start working on themselves, forgiving all those who had wronged them and themselves for carrying the anger or bitterness. Imagine how that would change everyone’s immediate relationships and in turn those further afield. There could only be peace in the world if this was to happen.

It is often grief or something tragic that brings people together after a time of estrangement. It is early days yet following the monarch’s death but wouldn’t it be lovely if it was her passing that brought the King and his children together again. That would be a great start moving forward, toward peace further afield. I know we cannot believe everything we read, especially in the tabloids but I shall be watching to see if there is any kind of rift-healing within this family in the next few days. I am sure that would make the Queen very happy if this was to happen.





