
I was delighted to see today, that I have made three UK Kindle sales for The Collective Us. I had already looked at the report a couple of times but hadn’t noticed it was set for the day’s date, rather than over all. So, I changed the setting to month-to-date, where I saw the three sales. I started a Facebook ad campaign, targeted at the UK, last week, so although I am running at a loss, it does show the ad is working. I am pleased about this. I am also running an American Amazon one, so decided to shift the ‘all countries’ to just America then just UK, which showed me it was this UK Facebook ad campaign that was working. I had been warned that the American Amazon does take longer to gain traction, so I guess I won’t know if that one is successful until later.

Marketing is not my thing, but I did choose the self-publishing journey, which means I will have to do more of it, if I want sales. I did have one chap from the UK who corresponded for several days. At first, I couldn’t work out if he was playing devil’s advocate, or if he really didn’t believe in the afterlife. As conversations progressed, I realised he was definitely a non-believer. I cheekily told him that at least if I am right, I will know about it when I’m dead, but if he is right, he will get no such satisfaction as he believes that everything ends with one’s death. I spent many of the messages explaining my reasons for the beliefs I have, but obviously some people will never be converted. And that is not my job, nor does it matter. Each to his or her own. I have formed my beliefs because of the things that have happened to me. And as I explained to this man, I can’t undo an experience once I have had it. I believe I have discovered my own purpose for being here on earth and I am sure it could explain other people’s reasons too. But that is for each person to figure out. But if my book helps even one of these people, either to understand their own life, or evolve in a way they might not have done without reading my book, then I feel I have done my job. Blessings to everyone out there.



Getting closer


Different day