Getting closer

I have the book launch on Sunday. This morning we decided to visit my son’s house as it is there we will be having the event. I thought maybe I could clean the windows or bathrooms ahead of time, so that I am not overloaded with too much work on the actual day. My health is far better than it was in 2020 but I still need to pace myself. Usually, half an hour of lying with my feet up will be enough to give me another surge of energy, but I still wanted to get some of the work out of the way early. However, upon reaching the house, we saw the windows had recently been washed, the bathrooms were already done and with his own cleaner coming on Thursday, there wasn’t much to do. We did manage to bring a carload of chairs though, so it wasn’t a wasted trip. Stephen’s car doesn’t have a towbar and thus we are unable to load a trailer, so moving things around takes a bit more planning.

I have put another order in for more books, this time with the corrections in place and this morning the proof for these came through, adding a further job to my list. I have just sent that away, so hopefully the new books won’t be too long in arriving.

I am retired now, but it is surprising how quickly the days pass by. I seem to be just as busy as I was when I was working full-time but I know this is not the case. I think I will go back to town about Friday to get the food required and perhaps more alcohol. Tomorrow is writing group, Wednesday the chap is coming to finish installing the fibre, and Saturday I’ll do the final preparations for the launch so that just leaves Thursday to get my other bits and pieces done. Sunday of course, I’ll have food to prepare and anything else that needs doing. The launch is at 2pm.

I still haven’t announced this on the local Facebook pages. I think last time, the posts attracted two or three people I didn’t know. There isn’t that much interest in my topic…yet, but I do feel, as more of this sort of information becomes available, the interest will grow. Even the growth of the spiritual Facebook groups around the country is surprising, showing that more people are connecting on this level all the time.

My book has been consuming me of late, ruling my life. And there is still more work to do around the marketing side. I hadn’t realised exactly how much work self-publishing entailed, but when I made that decision, I believed I would have the time, which actually I do. But with the warmer weather approaching, the waves are calling. I find it so much harder being inside when I know it is sunny outside. Soon, I’ll spend even less time on the computer but for now, I am just managing that indoor bit.


Writing group

