Resumption of routine

It feels like weeks since I have set about my daily routine and I guess it has been. We left here for Australia on March 26. On arriving home, I got sick, then the last week we have been tied up with our friend.

Usually, I like to have my morning walk before I do my writing, but since our return, there always seems to be something in the way that prevents me from doing one or the other. Today, I have time for both but even this morning my writing has been disrupted by a phone call from my daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoy phone calls from her, but I am later this morning. Generally, her calls come as she is driving to work, our time about 11am when my writing is over and done with.

I haven’t eaten breakfast for the last year or so, instead, having my first meal about 11.30 or 12, yet this last week I have been opting for an earlier version, after my walk. So that is another reason why my writing is later this morning and now more so, after my phone call.

I have the upcoming Mind Body Spirit event in Whangarei next weekend so have been practicing my speech for that as well, something that I do while I am walking. It saves half an hour of my time as I talk while I walk. If I didn’t, I would have to recite it when I got home.

Generally, I am less disciplined in the afternoon and do as I please until it is time to cook dinner.

And that has been my routine for months now, until, as I mentioned above, it got disrupted by our trip away. Of course there are trips to town, visits to friends or family and my monthly writing group or weekly writer’s coffee group, but I haven’t attended either of the latter for the last month or so, except for one Tuesday when I went to a recital coffee morning. At these, those present share a poem they have written. I enjoy these get-togethers.

Last week our neighbour’s husband dropped dead (not our friend that we stayed with, but another). We went up to pay our respects to the wife and visiting family. Stephen got talking to the son and he was saying how his father imparted the importance of having a hobby once one retired. Mine is my writing and the spiritual aspects I will encounter at the Mind, Body event and in summer body boarding and swimming. I am so pleased to have these. I do love my writing and have always done so, even though there were several years of my life when I didn’t write. Writing is so compatible with getting old. As one feels like doing less and less, writing is not impacted, whereas the beach walks and the time in the water body boarding is.

And of course, the visits from the children and grandchildren are up there with peak enjoyment at this stage in our lives. Though I find it tiring, I always enjoy visits from the youngsters.

On that note, it is time for me to go and sort out the items I’ll need for next week’s event in Whangarei. I am doing it ahead of time so that I am organised should anything else crop up.


Stranded stingray


Be careful what one wishes for