
Lying in bed last night, the realisation hit me of just how many people I have met in my current life who I have also shared other lives with. My own death had seemed the least of my worries from the Indian life. I had brought many issues from that life into my current one to be healed. Among them, were the loss of the land, the massacre of our tribe, the loss of knowledge that went with my passing, the loss of my wife and the guilt I felt from being falsely blamed for killing a group of settlers. As with so many aspects of our former lives, patterns are repeated in our current life in order for us to work on them and heal them once and for all, so they don’t repeat in lives going forwards.

We get childhood examples of any issues we need to heal from our past lives. An example of this is the loss of the land in the Indian life. The land was taken from our tribe in order to make way for white settlers. As a child, I grew up on a farm and connected to that land, just as I had done in the Indian life. I was 13 when my parents sold our farm. I was devastated and had to work on the feelings the loss of the land caused me, healing both myself and the Indian at the same time. Of course, the healing doesn’t usually occur until we are older and after we have had many more examples of the same issue which gets bigger each time we experience it.

I have discovered that the childhood examples are generally played out with people who are not connected with our pasts. We meet the perpetrators later in life. It was the revelation that I have met so many of the people who took my life in the past, that surprised me last night. As I said, I hadn’t believed my own death in the Indian life had been an issue; there had seemed so many more, bigger ones from that lifetime to deal with. But I now know who the person who killed me in that life time was, and at the heart of the issue of things being taken from me, was the loss of my own life.

Lying in bed last night I thought about all the people I have met whom I have shared other lives with. As well as the people who were responsible for my deaths, there have been so many more who were friends or family members in other life times. I counted about 15 different lives, where I have met at least one person in this life, from.

It just reinforces for me the importance of forgiveness and healing both for ourselves and others. It is not by chance that many people come into our lives. Those people who push our buttons, may have returned to repeat a scenario for us, so that we can forgive them and heal ourselves in the process.


Problem solving


Indian Life