
I packed all the things I would need for this weekend’s Mind, Body stall, yesterday, deciding to do this in case I got busy with anything else later in the week. I haven’t done my clothes yet, but that should be relatively easy.

There was quite a bit that needed to be packed and then I almost forgot my sign. It is surprising just what one needs for a weekend such as this. In my previous stalls I have only carried out treatments that could be done from the side of the table, but this time I have paid for a larger space so that I can sit at the head of the table as well. This allows me to add acupressure, head cradles and neck shoulder releases to the array of treatments on offer.

The things I need include my pendulum for the chakra balance, my cards for the mini reading – I always channel first then pick one card to accompany the reading, the cloths to cover the table, and bedding for the massage table as well as a pillow, the wipes to clean the head area, paper towels to lay down on the pillow, a clip board, pen and pages for the reading, the acupressure treatments, clock for the timing, and crystals for adornment, though I haven’t selected these yet, and as I mentioned, my sign.

And of course, my books. This year I am also including my children’s book. I need to count out how many of each I have so that I know how many I have sold at the end of it. I did wonder last time whether the people wanting my books had already bought them the time before, but this didn’t prove to be the case. I always offer a discount for anyone buying a book and having a treatment as well, so this always helps with sales. I see I am getting low in my first book, Who Is Me? and do wonder whether to buy more or just wait for them to run out.

I have also made a detailed graph system to record exactly what people are buying and seeking, though I know this changes from one event to the next. Sometimes everyone seems to want a chakra balance, at other times a reading. We shall see if any of the new additions are appealing as well.

Then there is another issue and that is that people are struggling financially more than they have done in the past. It will be interesting to see if they are just as willing to spend their money with me or not.

Even if I don’t have many sales, I am looking forward to this weekend.




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