
Now that we have set a date for the workshop, it is time to do the real work. That is, I once again have to crawl out of my hole and be ‘’out there’’. Obviously, I have not dealt with the issue of being public with my beliefs as well as I thought I had. I have two lists of people who said they might be interested in attending any future workshop of mine. One of these was taken from the book launch of Who is Me? in 2020 and a further list from The Collective Us launch in August. Notifying these people is the easy part but putting it out to the wider public is where I have the problem.

I am incredibly lucky, in that Ashleigh has made the flier and provided the venue. I had already spent time planning the workshop before we decided to go ahead with it so the actual content and facilitating is not the problem. It is being public, saying this is what I do. Even at Sunday’s market, I had a few people ask what my book was about and upon hearing the word, past life, couldn’t get away from me quick enough, like I was somehow the work of the devil. It is funny, because if these people were to read the books, they would see they are about love, forgiveness and healing. Adding the knowledge of the past lives, helps to understand that we are more than the carnation we are currently living. My whole purpose of the books is to tell my story so that people can see their own lives are so much more than just the person they are now. As I point out in my books, no one needs past life knowledge for we get everything we need to work on in our current lives, with the first experiences generally happening in childhood.

It is with this in mind, that I will centre the contents of the workshop. Through my own experiences, I have realised that all the people who went before me have been relying on me to do my healing because healing my issues also heals their unresolved issues from their own lifetimes. I am sure this is the same for everyone.

The workshop will involve showing people a method for self-healing and recognising when this is necessary.

I will enclose a passage from The Collective Us here, page 187, last paragraph. The more self-work we do, the easier it is to create healthy relationships with others; our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. The healthier these relationships are, the better the energy around us. Imagine how the world would change if we each concentrated on cultivating the relationships closest to us.

I am hoping our little date on December 1st will sow the seeds of more joy and love becoming available in our world. This can only be a positive thing.




Hitting home