
I must admit that I didn’t listen to the King’s Christmas speech but I did see a preview that was put out the day before, indicating a message of peace to the world. I think that is something we all want and which sadly seems a lesser reality every year.

However, and I have stated this before, peace starts with each of us, firstly with ourselves followed by those nearest and dearest to us. If each of us cultivated our personal relationships, then world peace would be something far more achievable.

As I said, I didn’t listen to the speech, but if the message I read was correct, that is a great thing for the King to want. But look at his life. He has an estranged son and a brother who is also on the outer. My message to the King would be, fix that relationship with your son, firstly. It is all very well to want peace around the world, but achieving that starts with mending our own broken bridges.

Not many people have sided with Prince Harry after his documentaries, interviews and book. I, on the other hand have quite a bit of sympathy for the lad. Has anyone stopped to ask if what he is saying is actually correct? I am sure many of those royal courtiers could make life extremely difficult for someone if they wanted to. In this relationship with his father, King Charles is the older adult. To me, it is not a good look for the monarchy if there is warring within. These people have a life of privilege, a huge following in the Commonwealth and an opportunity to lead by example. There would be many people who would relish that relationship being mended.

As for the King’s brother, he is the brother, regardless of what he has done. Forgiveness is the key here and not worrying about others’ judgements. One may not like his behaviour, but that doesn’t mean that one mustn’t like him, especially in a family situation. At times like these, it is the family who could provide the most support. I get that cutting public funding is appropriate but that is separate from cutting family ties. The Queen was great in her support for her son, which never wavered.

So here is a challenge for everyone reading this. If you want world peace, make peace firstly with yourself and anyone you have fallen out with. It is not even necessary to make contact with any such person, start by offering forgiveness in your own heart. Forgive them for all the things they have ‘done’ to you and forgive yourself for all the things you have ‘done’ to them, whether real or perceived. This kind of work is powerful and a good starter.

And remember, forgiveness sets us free. The freer we are the better every other relationship around us will be.


Busy busy


Christmas and other gifts