Christmas and other gifts

My four-year-old grand daughter had forgotten her request for her Christmas present. She wanted a necklace and when I enquired as to the colour, I was told a pink one. I was pleased with myself when I spied a beautiful rose-quartz necklace in town one day. Of course, I bought it, thinking it would be the perfect gift for her, especially since I was buying exactly what she had asked for. However, come Christmas day, the gift was quickly discarded. ``She’s been doing that a lot lately,’’ her mother informed me. Immediately, the picture of a little pink stone on a gold chain came into my mind. Oh my gosh, that’s what she had wanted, I thought to myself.

Willow, on the other hand, was delighted with her gifts as was Kylah’s brother. I had bought Willow a wolf dream catcher and a pack of children’s animal spiritual cards while Ryder had asked for crystals to go with his collection. Willow loves animals, and her mother tells me she often sees a wolf when she closes her eyes. I am sure it is one of her totem animals. Now, with the dream catcher hanging on her wall, the wolf will be the last thing she will see before closing her eyes each night.

I must admit it was different not buying the children toys this year as I usually do. Many of these they grow out of or the toy breaks shortly after opening. I know the gifts I bought this year will remain with the children for a long time to come. And I am sure Kylah will have second thoughts about her rose-quartz necklace one day.

I have already been told by spirit that Kylah has a number of spiritual gifts and that it is my job to guide her in these. I was told that shortly after her birth. The fact she was able to portray the picture of the necklace she really wanted so easily, confirms this. It is obvious that Willow has these gifts as well and probably Ryder, with his interest in crystals. This psychic side has come down through the family from my father. All of my children possess it, with some of them embracing it more than others. I assume this will have been passed onto all of the grandchildren, though I am not sure as to what degree.

I have always shut that side of myself away from the public and it is only in the last year or two that I am becoming more open about it. And that’s despite my two books. The pen name and vague geographical locations helped to preserve this anonymity. However, now I am more comfortable being open about this side. It is pleasing to see Willow embracing her spirituality. Hopefully she and the other grandkids won’t feel the stigma I felt, though much of that could have been self-inflicted. I do believe though, that this generation of children coming in now will be far more open than our generation ever was. I am hoping so, anyway.




Some things are meant to be