
Stephen brought out an orange sunhat, one he had found in a box, and placed it on my head. This particular orange has a yellow tinge, a bit like Fanta, and is my least favourite colour, especially as a potential item of clothing to wear.

I don’t know where my aversion to orange has come from. It is a colour that relates to the sacral chakra and often during healings I have been told that my sacral chakra is blocked. Perhaps there is some connection. I have also been told that the major energy centre for me is also my sacral chakra, perhaps another connection.

I have worn burnt orange clothing in the past and once had a favourite designer top in this colour, one that I donned so often that it wore out. I had bought it in a sale, paying only a fraction of the price that it would normally cost. I didn’t have any problem with this shade.

My garden has three different orange hibiscus plants, one light, one vibrant and the other in between. I love these, perhaps because they are flowers but also because they put on a magnificent display of colour for me for a good part of the year.

My computer screen has a collection of coloured umbrellas and it is the orange one that sits below the others and is visible when I write. Like the others, this has two shades, light and dark. I would probably prefer any of the other colours rather than this one, but it is not a picture I can alter.  

I love yellow in pretty much all its forms and I like red. As we all know, orange is a combination of these two colours, so again, I don’t understand why I have a problem with this colour.

I had an aura photo taken in 2018, where orange appeared for the first time, but by the 2021 photo it had disappeared again, replaced with red. The blurb that comes with these photos says the orange colour relates to ambition, drive and lateral thought. Self-expression is important, it says.

I had my colours done once, where the different shades of each were held against my skin. I came out as a winter person. Colours in this palette included black and white and more blue or red-based shades of the other colours. When I was younger, my hair was a dark brown colour with sun-bleached lighter bits. I started dying my hair in my 20s when numerous grey hairs appeared. Over the years my hair turned blond and I find I now suit different colours than I did when I was younger. However, even with the change in hair colour, I am still not fond of orange.

Perhaps I’ll never know why and maybe one day, I’ll find myself buying an orange dress. Who knows?


Sending a book overseas


Tough times are not a bad thing