Not a coincidence

This morning, while awake early, I turned onto U Tube after having read the Herald and Stuff news sites and scrolled through my Facebook page. It wasn’t long before a clip caught my attention. It was from someone I’d not seen before. ‘’It is no coincidence that you are watching this,’’ were the first words. ‘’Yes you, you are meant to be watching this.’’ The chap was easy to listen to but it was his next words that really got my attention. ‘’You need to say yes more, yes to all the opportunities.’’ And that was basically the gist of the clip that lasted for about 10 minutes. It was only in yesterday’s blog that I had said the very same thing – that I need to say yes more often rather than the habitual no. And they were almost exactly the same words that I had written as part of my New Year’s resolutions only a few days prior. So, if that is not reinforcing a message, I don’t know what is.

The man also stated that if one is experiencing something, then one is meant to be experiencing that very thing and that one needs to be present in all encounters, rather than having their mind wander off to the future or past and risk missing an opportunity to connect with someone who is nearby. The Celestine Prophecy carried a similar message, along the lines that every person we encounter has a message for us.  I have been guilty, too many times, of sticking to myself when I could interact more with those around me. As I said in yesterday’s blog, the pericarditis has affected my health for so long that I have got into the habit of not doing things. That illness has gone now, so no reason not to start being more active.

The other thing that seemed coincidental was my blog on peace, written a few days ago. My message for everyone who sought peace was to start with themselves and then heal those relationships nearest to them. If each of us did this, then the world would soon heal. One can’t heal the world until one firstly heals themselves and their nearest relationships. Then three days ago, someone posted comments from a judge from a local poetry competition. If a common theme emerged from the entries, it was the path to peace lies within. So many poems were personal journeys taking the reader from states of turmoil, resistance and despair to places of wisdom, acceptance and softness.

None of us are separate in this world, we are all one and it is obvious from these two examples that many of us are tapping into the same resources as far as our inner beings are concerned. If we are all being guided in a positive way then that can only be a good thing for the world. That hundredth monkey phenomenon whereby if enough people begin doing something others follow regardless, could very well see a change in the world.  I always take coincidences to mean I am on the right path. And this morning’s message, ‘’this is not a coincidence, you are meant to be here’’ could apply to every one of us. We are all meant to be exactly where we are and to be experiencing exactly what is going on for each of us. We are all evolving, and collectively it seems. Whilst the wars appear to be escalating, so too does the spread of positivity. It reminds me of the proverb about the good and bad wolves fighting and the little boy asking his grandfather who would win. ‘’The one you feed,’’ were the grandfather’s words. Let’s start making sure we feed the good more and not the bad.


In the now


Busy busy