In the now

I had another coincidence this morning when I was scrolling through Facebook. Someone had put in a quote from Eckhart Tolle, the man famous for his book, The Power of Now. The quote was about everything happening in this very moment. In yesterday’s blog I had quoted the man I had found on U Tube and one of his messages, that one needs to be present in all encounters, rather than having one’s mind wander off to the future or past.

But I am going to take this a step further and say what seems to be completely the opposite – things are never about now. By things, I mean reactions. When we react to a situation, the reaction is never about now. The reaction is always a trigger to something that has gone beforehand. And until we do our work and heal those earlier encounters, then we will be continually pulled from the now moment. The more we heal, the easier it is to stay in the now, because the more we heal, the less triggers from the past are pulling us back. I talk about this on page 21 of Who Is Me?

If people only realised. When we heal an issue, which generally means at its root in childhood, then we no longer react in the present, because that earlier trigger is no longer there. I will reiterate. If we are reacting, to anything, there is work to do. Sometimes it requires a one-off healing, at other times it takes a lot more work as we heal aspects of a particular issue. In Chapter 15. P82 of The Collective Us, I talk about some of the healing methods I have used over the years and I will mention these again, for anyone reading this.

The first and easiest method is to ask oneself, when have I felt like this before? We may be hurt or angry or sad or feeling any one of a number emotions but whichever they are, we have had a reaction to something which has just happened. After asking the question, an earlier memory generally comes up. We may feel a small emotional release, but we keep repeating the question until we have the first memory from childhood and with it, a massive release. It was with this method that I was often taken into many of my past lives.

The second method, is to feel the emotion involved in our reaction. We then feel this and drop into the emotion below it and keep doing so until we reach the layer of peace. We might go through the feelings of anger, hurt, sadness, unloved, blackness and peace as we drop through from that original feeling. Often there is a memory along the way and it is of this that we do some more work. Perhaps the memory was of us at six-years-old. We bring that six-year-old into a circle and anyone else involved in that memory and let that child speak about how they are feeling at that moment until she is completely emptied out. Forgiveness is offered and then one can give their own inner child the love she needs at that moment. Then one brings the peace up through all the layers one went through on the way down. I learnt this second method, The Journey technique, from Brandon Bray’s book and adapted it in my own way. It was a very successful healing method which I used on many clients.

I was often shown a former life using this method as well. The big thing here is that all of our patterns have originated in our former lives. We keep repeating them in our current life until we heal them. This is what makes doing our own healing work so important. We have often had many lifetimes before our current one, reacting to the same things we are reacting to now. They are repeating because, on a soul level, we want them healed, the people we were in the past want them healed. Our former selves are relying on us, the latest incarnation of them all to do this. And the bonus, we will find it so much easier staying in the now.


Man overboard


Not a coincidence