New writing group

I have joined a new writing group, this one specifically for writers and poets in our area. Initially I wasn’t going to as I seemed to have enough on my plate, but when Chiara told me she was too busy this month for our weekly healing-trainings, I decided that I could attend a gathering or two. I am pleased I did as I have met some interesting women in the process. There were eight of us at today’s session and I see 55 members on the Facebook group, which extends to writers and poets living in the Doubtless Bay area and surrounds. I assume some members would be from Kaitaia and further north as well, though probably too far away to travel to the weekly get-togethers. There were only two of us from our Peninsula writing circle today but the great thing about this group is people can attend when it suits. There is no obligation to make the morning teas, nor a feeling of missing out if one doesn’t. The beauty of a group like this is we can inspire and uplift each other, offer advice, be a sounding board or whatever, but it is also an opportunity to get to know some like-minded people.

I am amazed at the creativity of the group, with half of those present today illustrators as well as writers. I had already bought three books from one member, last week. I loved her drawings and stories, they were beautiful, and I bought a card today from another, one I know Willow will love as it depicts horses. And I also want to buy the children’s books from another as these have delightful illustrations.

It is interesting as well, that several of these women are also spiritually inclined and I don’t feel alienated when I talk about what I write. Once upon a time, not too long ago, I would have cringed when I explained the essence of my books. Not today though, I felt I was in accepting company and that is a good feeling. It is all part of my growth; the more comfortable I get with being open about who I am, the more I realise that really, there is not that much judgement out there. On the contrary, there seems to be more of a thirst for spiritual understanding than there has ever been in the past. And this thought was backed up by one of the woman who told me her crystals have been selling really well, particularly amongst the young people. There is a new generation here now who are open and yearning to learn as much as they can. And that can only be a good thing for writers like me, surely.


More work


Doing things backwards