
The entire last blog I wrote was based on a mistake. I had pulled out my phone to find what day September 1st actually was, only to find it was the next day. In fact, it was only August 28th, rather than the 31st as I had somehow mistakenly believed my calendar said. I don’t know how that could happen, but it must have been my error as I do believe in the accuracy of my phone. After writing the blog, I messaged my friend to wish her a happy birthday, then when I realised my mistake a couple of days ago, I had to re-message her telling her how I made the mistake. We talked last night and had a bit of a laugh about it. Today is her actual birthday.

But the belief the year has gone so quickly certainly has prompted me to do some things I have been meaning to do. I got the phone number of a very old friend whom I hadn’t seen for about 45 years. He was a flat mate years ago, when I was nursing. At that time, my boyfriend, Peter and I lived out in the country and Andrew joined us. We had some amazing times together, but like a lot of people of that era, I have had no contact in the intervening years. When I phoned, Andrew was travelling. He was just leaving hospital after having had prostate surgery. The phone reception was poor, but we talked just long enough to establish a kind of connection again. He remembers me from my nursing days and made a comment “that I would know all about that” in reference to his surgery. It seems such a long time ago that I nursed, but that was the last time he had seen me. Andrew knew a mutual friend of Paul and mine who also was a friend of Peter, so I was surprised when he seemed to know some of what I had been up to in the intervening years. I must admit I had heard bits and pieces of him too, but I can’t rely that much on my memory these days and I wondered whether what I thought I knew was correct or not.

I am so pleased I have made contact with Andrew. One of his first questions was did I know where Adele was? Adele was at boarding school with me and also a nursing friend. I used to have dinners at her parent’s place often. I attended her wedding and have not seen her since. The last I thing I remember was that she went to Australia, where we lost contact. Andrew was in much the same boat. I had to ask him if he went to her wedding too, which he did. I really can’t remember much of that day.  

Men are often easier to track down than women, mainly because many of us women change our name when we get married. And what also makes things difficult is with my age group, many of us are not on Facebook, the main way of tracking. I have many old boarding school friends whom I have not seen either, since a reunion we had about 35 years ago.

My life has been one of lots of goodbyes and new starts. As I haven’t been great at keeping in touch over the years, I have lost contact with so many dear friends. I really must make the effort to track down some of these people before it becomes too late.


New babe


Escalating time