Escalating time

I cannot believe that it is September at the end of this week. Actually, it is worse than that. It is tomorrow. I just pulled out my phone to check what actual day was September 1st. I cannot believe this year has flown by so quickly. Soon we will be thinking about Christmas. Plus, I have two grandchildren’s birthdays this month and a third baby due in the next fortnight. September is a busy time for me. And just was well I checked as I have a friend’s birthday today, one who is not on Facebook, thus I wouldn’t have got a reminder.

It really is quite scary just how quickly time is passing us by these days. When I compare it to the long, hot school holidays I experienced as a child, it seems the whole year is quicker than those six or seven weeks.

I usually make a list each year, marking any significant happenings, but I am not even sure there have been any of these this year. It really feels like it was only last week that we celebrated Stephen’s birthday on January 4th. If one believes the upcoming years will go just as quickly it is scary to think how soon I’ll be facing my final days. Now what else is it that I want to do before then?

I am pleased I am doing my writing as that is something I enjoy. I will have to have a really big think. Is there any travel that still appeals? The thought of a long-haul flight is not appealing, but I am sure there are still places in New Zealand that I’d like to see. I am pleased I had my big OE when I did and got to see all those countries while I was still young enough to enjoy them, though my memory of a lot of it is non-existent. That brings me to another point. Even though we don’t remember things, I am sure we retain the imprint of all the happenings of our lives, that when we die our lives will be laid bare to re-experience all that we saw and did whilst living. I expect this would be particularly so with Alzheimer’s patients. I am sure they regain everything once dead, that their minds have lost while living. After all our consciousness is separate from our bodies. We don’t need our physical body to know who we are and to have thoughts and feelings. It will be quite nice remembering at some stage.

But I definitely don’t want regrets so I really do need to see exactly what it is that I still want to achieve in these rapid years approaching.



