
I took my books to the market yesterday, the first time I have been public with either of them.

Markets are not new to me. That is how I started my massage business. I would wheel my chair and other accessories to the space I had been allocated, set up and then wait for the customers. Being in a public place for massage, even though this form was fully clothed, wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea and often I would have to offer the first one for free to get others to follow. Once people saw someone having one, they wouldn’t be so shy themselves and I would then have a steady stream of people for the rest of the morning. Soon I had my regulars who would come every weekend.

Sometimes, for whatever reason, there wouldn’t be many people. I learnt the best policy during these times was to accept the situation, relax and enjoy the quietness, rather than let the mind think that one’s massages weren’t good enough. From my market appearances, people asked for my card and soon I had a few clients coming to my home, where I had set up my practice. I worried constantly about money in those early days. Would I have enough to get through the next week, the next month? It wasn’t until I had been massaging for a year that I suddenly realised, hey I have got through this first year, I can do this. From then on, I dropped my fears and the clientele flourished. My own worry had been affecting the outcome. Of course, there were quiet weeks but I learnt not to build anything into these. Just trust and enjoy the extra spare time. I found that the numbers always picked up the following week.

So going to the market yesterday, I knew not to have any expectations of the outcome. I was able to relax and enjoy the lovely atmosphere. Several musicians took to the stage and people mingled through the various stalls. Even a torrential downpour didn’t deter us, as we all stayed warm and dry, thanks to the fireplace burning in the corner.

I had two buyers. One of these wanted to take the money off my next massage. That was fine by me. I also talked to several people who were interested in the book’s topic. I know my book is to help others on their spiritual journey, so whilst I may not always have sales, if talking to someone helps them, then I am achieving what I set out to do, when I wrote these books.

I know the right people will be drawn towards them but I also know that I will have to do my bit too, making an effort to get them out there. It reminds me of one of my cards in the Ted Andrews’ tarot deck – that of the Ace of Four-Leggeds, the Bison. Abundance will not be given to us, but it can be ours if we employ our own efforts.

That was one of the reasons I ventured to the market. I also asked to join The Spiritualism New Zealand group this morning, thinking that may lead to interested readers.

I will have to do my part too.



