Quiet time

I have missed a couple of days of writing my blog. I had a lovely Sunday with Willow before her mother picked her up and yesterday Rosie and her three kids popped in, along with Carol, my children's half sister and her two kids. Today, Jason and his girlfriend arrive for, I presume, a night. They are intending to go camping between now and Christmas and the weather has turned out superbly for them.

On Sunday, Stephen visited his friend in Whangarei overnight and today is off seeing another friend.

I love having family and I equally love my quiet time. In fact more so, I love my quiet time. That stems right back to childhood, when I would choose to sit by myself on the long bus ride to school in the mornings and home again in the afternoons. As we got closer to school, I would always lose the spare space beside me and similarly, I would regain it as we got further from school and more kids got off the bus on the way home. I loved that time to think. It was always special for me and I would drift into my own little world. Even from that young age, I guess I was doing my own version of meditation. And even though I didnt know about the impact of other people's energy on me, I realised that sitting by myself always felt better.

I was looking forward to my quiet time with Stephen being away, but having Willow and yesterday's visitors, reduced that time.

I am certainly making the most of this morning.

For someone who enjoys their quiet time so much, I have had a lot of people-orientated jobs throughout my life. I noticed, especially during my massage years, that time to myself was always important to recuperate my energies and often days off would be spent alone.

Carol's visit yesterday reminded me of this. She is a city girl, living in the country. She misses the people, whereas I would class myself as a country girl living in the town. I miss my silence.

We cannot always choose where we live. Don't get me wrong, I love living here and being close to the beach, but I know I must always honour my inner self, the one who enjoys her solitude and likes that time, sitting in her own thoughts.

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Ticking off the list